====== Copying or Moving the TapeTrack Database to another machine ====== If you wish to copy the TapeTrack Database to another machine, or move it from the current machine to a new machine, you can follow these steps: - [[server:installing|Install the TapeTrack Framework Server]] on the new machine. - [[server:start_stop|Stop the TapeTrack Framework Server]] on both the old (source) and new (target) machines. - Delete (or rename) the ''var/db'' and ''var/dblogs'' directories on the target machine. - Zip the ''var/db'' and ''var/dblogs'' directory on the source machine. - Copy the Zip file to the target machine. - Unzip the Zip file to create a new var/db and var/dblogs directory on the target machine. - Start the TapeTrack [[server:guide|Framework Server]] on both machines. - Get a new [[master:full_license|permanent]] or [[master:temporary_license|temporary]] license for the TapeTrack [[server:guide|Framework Server]] on the target machine. <- server:database_location|Changing the database location ^ server:advanced|Advanced Administration ^ server:reload|Reloading the database ->