====== TapeTrack Framework Server Installation and Administration ====== The TapeTrack Framework Server component is a Windows Service or Linux Daemon that provides the core back-end services of the TapeTrack System. These services include: - Database management - Authentication and access control - Logging ======Supported Platforms====== * Windows XP and above. * Linux Intel * Linux ARM {{page>common:support}} {{:server:tmss10svc.png}} ====== Installation ====== ===== Installing ===== - [[server:requirements|System Requirements]] - [[server:downloading|Downloading the software]] - [[server:components|What will be installed]] - [[server:installing|Installing the software]] - [[server:firewall|Firewall Considerations]] ==== Testing the installation ==== To test that the installation has been successful you should be able to perform the following tasks: - Run the [[cli:TMSS10Ping|TMSS10Ping]] command against ''localhost''. - Launch TapeTrack TapeMaster and connect to the new TapeTrack Service from desktop machines on your network. ====== Users Guide ====== * [[server:basic|Basic Administration]] * [[server:advanced|Advanced Administration]] ====== Technical Notes ====== * [[technote:server_arguments|Server Command Line Arguments]]