====== Installing ====== ===== Windows ===== The TapeTrack Framework Server Software installs automatically via an InstallShield installer. Locate the executable you downloaded, setup.exe, and double click to initiate the installation. {{server_install.png}} Click ''Next >'' to start the Install Shield Wizard. {{server_install_2.png}} After reading and agreeing to the License Agreement click ''I accept the terms in the license agreement'' and ''Next >'' to proceed {{server_install_3.png}} Confirm the installation directory is correct, \\ or click ''Change'' to select another installation directory. Click ''Next >'' to proceed. {{server_install_4.png}} Click ''Install'' to begin the installation {{server_install_5.png}} Click ''Finish'' to exit the installer. {{server_install_6.png}} At the conclusion of the installation process, the installer will also kick-off an install of the following packages, which can optionally be installed: - TapeTrack TapeMaster - TapeTrack Server Utilities ===== Linux ===== The TapeTrack Framework Server will be installed by the Redhat Package Manager (RPM). An example installation command is: Install the Client package (must be installed before the Server package). rpm -i https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-x86/tapetrack-clients-latest.i386.rpm Install the Server package. rpm -i https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-x86/tapetrack-server-latest.i386.rpm <- server:components|Components ^ server:guide|Introduction ^ server:firewall|Firewall Considerations ->