====== Installing Linux i686 ======
===== Prerequisites =====
Redhat based Linux operating system:
* RedHat
* CentOS
* Fedora
* Oracle Linux
* ClearOS
Linux dependency libraries:
* glibc.i68
* zlib.i686
* libstdc++.i686
* libssh.i686
===== Download and Install Linux RPM's -TapeTrack Framework Server =====
The two installation packages required for TapeTrack Server for Linux are:
* [[https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-i686/tapetrack-clients-2025.1-1.i686.rpm|Client RPM Package]]
* [[https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-i686/tapetrack-server-2025.1-1.i686.rpm|Server RPM Package]]
Always install the Client RPM package first, as the Server RPM package depends on files located within the Client RPM package.
==== Install the Client RPM package. ====
rpm -i https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-i686/tapetrack-clients-latest.i386.rpm
=== Install the Server RPM package. ===
rpm -i https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Linux-i686/tapetrack-server-latest.i386.rpm
===== Download and Install TapeMaster and Server Utilities =====
As you are installing TapeTrack on a Linux server, you will also need to download and install TapeMaster and Server Utilities on a Windows machine (with network access to the Linux server) to access and administer the TapeTrack Server.
* Download [[https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Windows-x64/master/setup.exe|TapeMaster]] \\
* Download [[https://mirror-us.tapetrack.com/Windows-x64/utils/setup.exe|Server Utilities]]
Install both programs by double-clicking the executables and following the installation wizards.
* Installing [[https://rtfm.tapetrack.com/master/installing|TapeMaster]] \\
* Installing [[https://rtfm.tapetrack.com/technote/upgrade_utilities|Server Utilities]]
===== Connecting TapeMaster to the Framework Server =====
- Start TapeMaster and you will be prompted to add a new connection,
- Follow [[desktop:adding_connection|instructions]] to add the connection details to your server and IP or DNS
- Login to TapeMaster to test the connection is successful, using the username ''tapemaster'' and leaving the password blank.