====== Stock Control ====== Stock Control enables you to enter [[object:volume|Volumes]] into TapeTrack without Barcodes, to manage Current Stock Levels and track history of New Stock usage. ===== Adding Stock Assignment Rules ===== From the menu click ''Administration'' → ''Stock Control'' {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control.png}} Right-click and select ''Properties'', or double-click, on the first available Stock Control ID. {{:master:master_stock_control_properties.png}} In the Stock Properties window: \\ * Description * Insert a descriptive name for the Stock Control rule, e.g. for all US [[object:customer|Customers]] and LTO4 [[object:volume|Volumes]] **US LTO 4** * Filters * Add filter to select [[object:customer|Customer-ID/s]] that will use this rule. e.g. For all US [[object:customer|Customers]] **US*** * Add [[object:media|Media Type]] this rule applies to (e.g. **LTO**). * Add [[object:volume|Volume]] filter to enforce correct [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] association (e.g. For a 8 character ID ending in L4 use **??????L4**). * Totals * Insert minimum stock number before you are alerted of low stock levels (alert is a future enhancement). * Current total of [[object:volume|Volumes]] in stock (display only). * Options * Change Enabled to ''True'' to make the rule active. Click ''OK'' once all data is correct and complete. Close the stock control window and click ''Save'' to commit the new rule/s to the TapeTrack Database. {{:master:master_stock_control_save.png}} ===== Customer Media Settings ===== In the TapeMaster [[master:customer_tree|Customer Tree]], right-click the [[object:media|Media Type]] on the [[object:customer|Customer]] you want to apply Stock Control to and select ''Properties''. Change ''Stock Control'' to ''True''. If ''Auto Stock Selection'' is set to ''False'', all new [[object:volume|Volumes]] must be added through the [[#Scan To Assign Volumes|Stock Control window]]. If set to **True** [[object:volume|Volumes]] may be added directly from the [[#Scan To Assign Volumes From TapeMaster Inventory Window|inventory window]] in TapeMaster. {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control_media_options.png}} ===== Adding Stock ===== From the menu click ''Administration'' → ''Stock Control'' {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control.png}} Right-click and select ''Properties'', or double-click, on the first available Stock Control ID. {{:master:master_stock_control_properties.png}} Click the ''Add Stock'' button (1) and add the new stock amount in the ''Count'' field (2). \\ Click ''OK'' (3) to update the stock level. Click OK (4) to close **Stock Properties** window. {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control_add.png}} ===== Stock Level Adjustment ===== From the menu click ''Administration'' → ''Stock Control'' {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control.png}} Right-click and select ''Properties'', or double-click, on the first available stock control ID. {{:master:master_stock_control_properties.png}} Click on the ''Stock Adjustment'' button and enter the correct number in the ''New Total'' field and click ''OK''. Click OK (4) to close **Stock Properties** window. {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control_adjust1.png}} ===== Scan To Assign Volumes ===== To add new [[object:volume|Volumes]], from the Stock Control window, open the rule you want to assign the new [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] to. Click on the ''Scan To Assign'' button to open the Scan-In window. Scan the new [[object:volume|Volume]] Barcode/s as required. {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control_scan.png}} Barcodes that match the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] filter will be added to the default [[object:repository|Repository]] for that [[object:customer|Customer's]] [[object:media|media type]]. \\ If the scanned Barcode is outside the parameters of the Volume-ID filter, you will receive the message **Volume does not match the filters for the assigned Stock-ID** and the [[object:volume|Volume]] will not be added. \\ Any attempts to add [[object:volume|Volumes]] without current stock will give an error message of **Insufficient Stock to allow Volume to be added**. {{:master:tapemaster_stock_control_insufficient.png}} ===== Scan To Assign Volumes From TapeMaster Inventory Window ===== [[:master:volumes|Volumes]] can be added directly from the customer inventory window in TapeMaster if the [[#Customer Media Settings|media options]] are set to allow this. \\ Right-click in the Inventory window and select ''Special Operations'' -> ''Scan'' -> ''Scan To Add Volumes'' to open the Scan-in window and Scan-In new [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] to default [[object:repository|Repository]]. To add [[object:volume|Volumes]] to the desired [[object:repository|Repository]] (other than the default), right-click the Target [[object:repository|Repository]] and select ''Scan'' -> ''To Add'' to open the Scan-In window. Scan the new [[object:volume|Volumes]] and close the Scan window when complete.