====== Adding New Volumes In Lite ====== Adding new [[object:volume|Volumes]] to TapeTrack using Lite can be achieved using one of two methods depending on the outcome required. ===== Prerequisites ===== To add new [[object:volume|Volumes]] you will need to have, at the minimum, read/write/alter access associated with your User-ID. If you don't know if you have ''alter'' access rights you can check with your TapeTrack Administrator or continue with the process to add the new [[object:volume|Volumes]] and check the results. If you do have ''alter'' rights, the [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be added successfully, if you don't you will receive an error stating ''Security does not allow this operation''. If you find you don't have ''alter'' rights, you will need to contact your TapeTrack administrator to either upgrade your access credentials or have them add the new [[object:volume|Volumes]] for you. If you would like assistance in providing the required information to your TapeTrack administrator (or Vaulting Service) please contact us via the [[common:support_details|Helpdesk]]. ===== Adding New Volumes In Lite In Volume Management ===== Select ''Volume Management'' from the **Task Menu** and click ''Next'' to continue. {{select_volume_management.gif}} ==== Options ==== This will open the **Options** window. If required you can set the location for the log files to be written to by, or leave the default. To change the location the log file is written to: * Click in the field where the current write location is to display the ellipsis button (''...'') to the right. * Click on the ellipsis button to display the ''Browse for Folder'' window. * Select the required folder to write the log file to. * Click ''OK'' to close the window. {{set_log_location.gif}} Click ''Next'' to continue. ==== Selecting a Customer ==== If you only have access to one [[object:customer|Customer-ID]], the [[object:customer|Customer]] will be automatically selected and this window will be skipped From the **Customer Selection** window select a [[object:customer|Customer]] that the new [[object:volume|Volume/s]] are to be added to by double-clicking a [[object:customer|Customer]] or selecting a [[object:customer|Customer]] and clicking ''Next''. {{select_customer.gif}} ==== Selecting Media Type ==== If you only have access to one [[object:media|Media-ID]], there will only be one tab. If you have more than one [[object:media|Media Type]], select the required [[object:media|Media Type]] from the tabs at the bottom of the **Manage Media Library** window. {{select_media.gif}} ==== Open Scan Window ==== Right click anywhere in the window where the [[object:volume|Volumes]] are listed to open the menu options. Select ''Scan'' > ''To Add'' to open the ''Scan In'' window. ==== Scan-In Volumes ==== Scan in your new [[object:volume|Volumes]] into the **Scan-In** window using your preferred [[desktop:scan_window| scanning method]] {{scan_volumes_in.gif}} When all new [[object:volume|Volumes]] have been scanned close the **Scan-in** window by clicking ''X'' in the top right corner. Your new [[object:volume|Volumes]] will now show in the [[object:volume|Volume]] List. If you have a default Repository (set in TapeMaster) the new [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be assigned to that [[object:repository|Repository]]. If no default [[object:repository|Repository]] has been set the new [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be assigned to the ''Initial'' [[object:repository|Repository]]. To move the [[object:volume|Volumes]] , after completing the Volume Management process, see [[technote:lite_move_volumes|Move Volumes]]. {{initial_repository.png}} ==== Adding Description And Next Move Date ==== Through the Volume Management process, you can add a Description and Next Move Date to the new [[object:volume|Volumes]], and other [[object:volume|Volumes]] through the right-hand side of the window. To add a Description select a [[object:volume|Volume]] by clicking on the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] on the left side of the window. Click in the field to the right of the ''Description'' field and insert the required description. To add a Next Move Date, select the [[object:volume|Volume]] (as with the description) and * Click in the field to the right of the ''Next Move'' field to display the ellipses button. * Click on the ellipses button to open the ''Next Move Date Selection'' window. * Select the ''Automatically move Volume on the specified date'' checkbox to display the date options. * Select the number of days, months and/or years until the Next Move Date required, or select a specific date from the calendar * Click ''OK'' to close the date selection window. Select any other [[object:volume|Volumes]] you want to set a Move Date or Description for and set the required values. {{add_description_date.gif}} Click ''Next'' to exit the Volume Management process. ===== Complete ===== This will bring up the **Complete** window, from here you can: * Click ''View Log File'' to view the log. * Click ''Print Log File'' to print out the log file for further reference. * Click ''About this Software'' to view product and support (email, phone & website) information. * Click ''Back'' to return to start menu and select another task. * Click ''Finish'', ''Cancel'' or ''X'' to exit TapeTrack Lite. {{:desktop:lite_finish.png}} {{tag> technote lite volume update_doco}}