====== Removing Volume Indexes ====== When a program such as [[cli:tmss10importfiledb | TMSS10ImportFileDB ]] has been run against the Database, while the Volume table is updated, the alternative Indexes are not. This can result in the Customer Tree being out of sync with the Volumes. To remedy this, deleting the Volume Alternative Indexes will cause them to be rebuilt with up-to-date information when the Server is restarted. ===== Windows Instructions ===== [[server:start_stop|Stop the Server]]. Make a backup of the ''TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var'' directory and contents before making any alterations. Navigate to the TapeTrack Database installation directory (default location = C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db ). Delete all files with ''TMSS10Volume'' prefix (eg TMSS10.volume-cmserial, TMSS10.volume-container inclusive down to TMSS10.volume-synctime), but **DO NOT** delete the file''TMSS10Volume''. {{delete_volume_altenative_indexes.png}} [[server:start_stop|Restart the Server]]. All Volume Alternative Indexes will now be rebuilt with up-to-date information. {{tag> technote server database}}