====== Remove Slot Level Display In TapeMaster ====== ===== Modify the TapeMaster Configuration File ===== Locate the TapeMaster Configuration file (default location C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack TapeMaster\TMSSMaster.cfg) and open with Notepad or other plain text editor. Locate the section **variables** {{technote:technote_tmss10masterconfig_find_variables.png}} Remove comment tags /* & */ from above and below variables. Change the line of code \\ TMSSLEVELNAMES = “A,B,C”; \\ to \\ TMSSNOLEVELSLOT = “true”; \\ {{technote:technote_tmss10masterconfig_tmssnolevelslot.png}} and save file. Make sure that you have sufficient rights to save file to directory and to save as TMSS10Master.cfg and not as a text file or other file extension. To check the modification was successful: Login to TapeMaster and open slotted media to check display of volume location is now restricted to Zone and shelf as illustrated by the images below. Before modification - TapeMaster displaying Zone, shelf and slot. {{primer:primer_physical_slot_3.png}} After modification - TapeMaster displaying Zone and shelf only. {{technote:technote_no_slot_display.png}} If when opening TapeTrack TapeMaster you receive an error - **Failed to read configuration file (TMSSMaster.cfg): Line( ) - Syntax error** check the configuration file that you have used plain ASCII quotes (" ") and not rich text quotes (“ ”) and that the replaced text is correct. {{tag>technote config slotting tapemaster update-doco}}