====== Create Export File ====== Creates an export file of selected volumes, including the volumes history, to assist the support desk to diagnose volume movement discrepancies. ===== Selecting Volumes For Export ===== Select all volumes by right-clicking in the inventory window and select ''Select''->''All'', or using shift+click and/or control+click select the range of volumes required. ===== Exporting To File ===== Right click highlighted [[object:volume|Volumes]] and select ''Special Operations'' -> ''Support'' -> ''Create Export File''. {{technote:master_export_support.png?700}} Save the file to a known location. {{technote:master_export_support_save.png?700}} ===== Sending File To The Helpdesk ===== Send the file to the [[common:support_details|TapeTrack Helpdesk]] along with: * [[object:customer|Customer-ID]] * [[object:media|Media-ID]] * Details regarding the issue you are currently experiencing. {{tag>technote export tapemaster support}}