====== Importing TapeTrack License ====== While logged to in TapeMaster as [[common:tapemaster_user|tapemaster]], or [[master:user#options|user-ID with tapemaster rights]] From the menu click ''Help'' -> ''Framework Server Licensing'' {{master_menu_license.gif}} If the menu option **Framework Server Licensing** is grayed out and inaccessible, you do not have sufficient privileges (tapemaster rights) to alter the software license Click ''[[technote:export_license|Export license to a file]]'' and save the file with a descriptive name (e.g. backup_license.cfg). Exporting your current license allows you to revert to your current license should something not work as expected while importing a new license. Click ''Import license'' to open the Windows Open File dialog. {{open_import_license.gif}} Select the license config file you received with the new key and click ''Open'' to import the file. {{select_file.gif}} Your expiry date should now be updated and ''License Status'' should read **OK**. {{updated_license.png}} On older releases, if your expiry date has updated but the license status still reads NOT-OK, click ''Apply license changes'' to save updated values. {{apply changes.gif}} Click ''OK'' to close the License Window. Older versions may require you to press F5 while in the [[master:customer_tree|customer tree]] window to refresh new information. {{:master:tapemaster_license_ok1.png?500}} ====== Troubleshooting ====== If after installing new license configuration file your **License Status** still reads **Not-OK**, reinstall old configuration (backup-license.cfg) file using above instructions and contact help desk [[common:support_details|support]] for further information. Alternatively you can click ''Get temporary license'' and ''OK'' from the Framework Server Licensing window to give you a 12 day expiry date to continue to use TapeTrack until your new key has been issued. Your computer must have internet access for the ''Get temporary license'' function to work. {{:master:tapemaster_license_get_temp.png}}