======Barcodes Longer Than 10 Characters In Length ====== TapeTrack has a [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|Volume-ID]] limit of 10 characters in length. Any volumes with an ID longer than 10 characters must be modified to fit within this criteria. There are several ways in which can be achieved, such as truncation, translation or hashing. {{:desktop:desktop_scan_window_remove_suffix.png?maxwidth=700}} ===== Truncation ===== Truncating a barcode, or [[concepts:unqualified_barcode|Volume-ID]], involves trimming off the start or end down to 10 or fewer characters, or removing characters from the center via masking. Truncating a barcode can be achieved by several different methods. ==== Truncation Via The Scan In Window ==== Barcodes can be truncated via the TapeTrack Scan window in TapeMaster, Lite and Checkpoint. This method only truncates volume-ID's through the scan window For detailed information please see [[desktop:scan_window#truncating-a-scanned-Barcode|Truncating a barcode via the scan window]]. ==== Truncation Via Media Properties In TapeMaster ==== Truncation of a barcode by removing the suffix (eg. removing L6 from 1234567890L6) can be achieved by setting the ''Remove Suffix'' option in the media properties via TapeMaster. This method will truncate all matching volume-ID's regardless of length and will only act on the suffix Truncating a barcode via the [[object:media#options|media properties]] tab. Adding L6 in the ''Remove Suffix'' field will remove L6 from any matching volume-ID (eg removing L6 from 1234567890L6 to input as 1234567890 or 123456L6 as 123456) regardless of barcode length. Adding ''L*'' will remove any 2 digit suffix from the volume-ID that starts with L (eg. 123456L6 will truncate to 123456, 1000000001L3 will truncate to 1000000001) ===== Translation ===== Translating a barcode, or volume-ID, involves swapping a recognizable pattern for an alternate value within the 10 character limit via translation statements in a ttidef file. This method works with command line programs, such as [[cli:tmss10sync|TMSS10Sync]], via ttidef file statements as well as through configuration files in TapeMaster, Lite and Checkpoint. Using a translation statement **AddTranslation(VOLUME, "A6??????????", "^^~~~~~~~~~~");** in the ttidef file, any 12 character volume-ID starting with A6, such as A61234567890, will drop the first two characters and keep the next 10, inputting as 1234567890. ===== Hashing ===== Hashing a barcode, or volume-ID, involves replacing the barcode with its 8 character hashed value, preceded by the value ''#-'' to allow identification that the volume-ID has been hashed. Reasons for hashing a barcode include extended length barcodes (11 characters or more) and barcodes that have spaces or other illegal characters. It is a good practice to put the true, or un-hashed, barcode in the Attribute field to enable a human readable value as well as the hashed volume-ID. Adding the un-hashed barcode to an extended attribute field can be manually added using the [[cookbook:long_barcodes_paste|Paste Long Barcode function]] or automated by setting the field ''Long Barcode Attribute'' in the Customer Properties ''Options'' tab to the required Attribute field. Barcodes can be hashed via ttidef files for command line programs as well as through configuration files in TapeMaster, Lite and Checkpoint. ==== Hashing via Scanning ==== Long [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] can be Scanned-In to [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] and hashed simultaneously by placing a ''#'' in the **Edit** field of the [[desktop/scan_window|Scan]] window. Once the Volumes have been added, the long barcode can be added to the Description (or other Attribute) field using the [[cookbook:long_barcodes_paste|Paste Long Barcode function]] or added to an extended attribute field automatically by setting the field ''Long Barcode Attribute'' in the Customer Properties ''Options'' tab to the required Attribute field. ====Hashing via ttidef file ==== Using a translation statement **AddTranslation(VOLUME, “???????????*”, “#”)**; in the ttidef file, any 11 character or longer volume-ID will be hashed, for example ''111111222222'' would be hashed to ''X-2E8CA12F'' Using a translation statement **AddTranslation(VOLUME, “*? ?*”, “#”);** in the ttidef file, any barcode with a space (the space can be replaced with any other illegal character) will be hashed, for example ''Monday 01'' would be hashed to ''X-DCD72719''. ====Hashing via configuration files==== Using the translation code block below in the configuration files will hash any 11 character or longer volume-ID's. barcodes= { translations= ( { filter="???????????*"; value="#"; } ); }; Using the translation code block below in the configuration files will any barcode with spaces. barcodes= { translations= ( { filter="*? ?*"; value="#"; } ); }; Barcode hashing can also be achieved using [[subsystem:barcode|Barcode Administration]]. {{tag>technote barcode long-barcode hash config-file}}