====== Move Volumes By Expiry Date ====== ===== Setting Expiry Date ===== Before a Volume can be moved using an expiry date, it needs to have one set. ''TapeMaster'', by default, has all Volumes with an expiry date set to Permanent which is the equivalent of no move date. There are several ways of assigning an expiry date to a Volume, either manually, via Syncs or using Simple Management tools. For detailed information on setting an expiry date see [[technote:set_expiry_date|Setting Expiry Dates]] ===== Prerequisites For Moving Volumes ===== Before executing the process to move the Volumes based off the expiry date, you need to have the ''Next Repository'' values set in TapeMaster for each of the targeted Repositories you want to move the Volumes from. This is so TapeTrack knows which Repository to move the expired Volumes to. For details on how to set the ''Next Repository'' for each Repository see [[master:repository_options|Repository Options]] ===== Marking Expired Volumes ===== Moving Volumes by expiry date has been separated into a two stage process, marking Volumes that have expired and them placing them into a move to the ''Next Repository''. The first stage is to mark all Volumes with an expiry date within the set date range by running ''TMSS10ExpireByDate''. This will scan all expiry dates and add a ''p'' Flag to any Volume that fits the date range specified. For details on running ''TMSS10ExpireByDate'' see [[cli:tmss10expirebydate|TMSS10ExpireByDate]]. ===== Moving Expired Volumes ===== Once all expired Volumes have been marked with a ''p'' Flag, the next step of the process is to run ''TMSS10MovePending''. TMSS10MovePending will place all Volumes with a ''p'' Flag into a move to the current Repository's Next Repository. If the current Repository has no ''Next Repository'' value set, the Volumes will not be moved. For details on running ''TMSS10MovePending'' see [[cli:tmss10movepending|TMSS10MovePending]]. ===== Reporting Moved Volumes ===== Once all expired Volumes have been placed into a move, you may want to create a report on the moving Volumes for audit purposes and to provide a picking/distribution list to enable your tape librarians to physically move them. ''TMSS10MoveList'' will provide two reports. The first one showing Volume-ID's, current location, target location, move time, container allocation and attribute value. The second report showing a summary of movement direction and quantity of Volumes. For details on running ''TMSS10MoveList'' see [[cli:tmss10movelist|TMSS10MoveList]]. This report can be output in several formats including ''text'', ''CSV'', ''Excel'' or ''PDF''. Technotes on outputting files in different formats can be viewed at [[technote:report_output_format|Report Output Format]] {{tag> technote cli move tapemaster update_doco}}