====== Report Output Formats ====== Output from the Command Line Utilities can be redirected to a file, the default format being a text file. Using Variables the output can be formatted to CSV, Excel, PDF, HTML or XML files. Along with the file format, output path and headings can be customized, columns can be omitted from the report, output file name customized and portrait or landscape orientation, and customized logo for PDF formats. ===== Text File ===== Capturing the output from Command Line Utilities is as simple as redirecting the standard output and providing the file name and directory path you want the file written to. ==== Example ==== Using [[cli:TMSS10Inventory|TMSS10Inventory]] as an example Command Line Utility, outputting the standard output to a file named Inventory.txt in the directory ===== CSV File ===== ===== Excel File ===== ===== PDF File ===== ===== HTML File ===== ===== XML File ===== {{tag> update_doco report variable cli technote}}