====== Scan To Slot Via Special Operations Slot Allocation ====== To use the Allocate to [[concepts:slot|Slot]] via the Special Operations menu, the selected [[object:volume|Volumes]] must be either moving to or confirmed in a [[object:repository|Repository]] with allocated [[object:repository|Repository]]. While this process can be used any number of [[object:volume|Volumes]], you can only select a [[concepts:slot|Slot]] for one [[object:volume|Volume]] at a time so this process is best suited to one or low number of [[object:volume|Volumes]]. To [[concepts:slot|Slot]] multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]] more efficiently see [[technote:scan_to_assign_usage_map|Scan to assign using Repository Usage Map]]. ===== Select Volumes To Slot ===== Select [[object:volume|Volumes]] from the Inventory window by clicking on one [[object:volume|Volume]] or using Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click to select a range of [[object:volume|Volumes]]. {{master_select_volumes.gif}} ===== Select Slots ===== Right click highlighted [[object:volume|Volumes]] and select ''Special Operations'' > ''Slots'' > ''Allocate To Slot'' {{master_special_slots_allocate.gif}} The [[concepts:slot|Slot]] Selection window will display the Current [[object:repository|Repository]] the [[object:volume|Volume]] is being Slotted in and the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] currently being allocated in the top header. The main window will display [[concepts:slot|Slot]] numbers, [[object:zone|Zones]], [[concepts:slot|Slot]] Location, [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] if [[concepts:slot|Slot]] is occupied. To allocate the current [[object:volume|Volume]] to a [[concepts:slot|Slot]], click on an empty or unallocated [[concepts:slot|Slot]] and then click ''OK''. If you have only one [[object:volume|Volume]] to Slot, the window will close. If you have multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]] to Slot the window will refresh to show the next [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] in the top header, following the same process for each [[object:volume|Volume]], select a [[concepts:slot|Slot]] and press ''OK''. {{master_special_slots_allocate_select_slots.gif}} ===== Refresh Display ===== Click in the Inventory window in TapeMaster and press F5 to update the display. The Scanned [[object:volume|Volumes]] will now show in a move to the allocated [[concepts:slot|Slots]]. {{allocated_slots_1.png}} {{tag> technote slotting master}}