====== Scan To Slot Via Repository Usage Map ====== From the Inventory window of your required [[object:customer|Customer]] and [[object:media|Media Type]] right click the [[object:repository|Repository]] you want to [[concepts:slot|Slot]] the [[object:volume|Volumes]] in and select ''View Repository Usage Map''. {{repository_view_repository_usage_map.gif}} ===== Slot Selection ===== The ''Slot Allocation'' window displays [[concepts:slot|Slot]] numbers, [[object:zone|Zones]], [[concepts:slot|Slot]] Location, [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] if [[concepts:slot|Slot]] is allocated and [[concepts:slot|Slot]] status - Empty, Reserved (Allocated, [[object:volume|Volume]] in a move to Slot) and Occupied ([[object:volume|Volume]] in [[concepts:slot|Slot]]). From the ''Slot Allocation'' window you can either manually select the [[concepts:slot|Slots]] required or use the ''Assignment Helper'' function To manually select the required [[concepts:slot|Slots]], Shift+Click to select a range of Empty [[concepts:slot|Slots]] or Ctrl+Click to select non adjacent multiple Empty [[concepts:slot|Slots]] . To use the ''Assignment Helper'' to allocate the vacant Slots for you, right click in the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] window and select ''Assignment Helper''. In the field ''Slots Required'' set the number of [[concepts:slot|Slots]] required to match the number of [[object:volume|Volumes]] to be Slotted. Set the ''Slotting Method'' to suit the required outcome. ''First Available'' will start with the first empty [[concepts:slot|Slot]] available and then the next empty [[concepts:slot|Slot]] until the required number are selected. {{assignment_helper_first.gif}} ''Intellislot'' will first attempt to find a range of [[concepts:slot|Slots]] large enough to fit the [[object:volume|Volumes]] in sequential [[concepts:slot|Slots]] and, if a range can't be found, will then select other empty [[concepts:slot|Slots]] to accommodate the required numbers. {{assignment_helper_intellislot.gif}} Once you have the Empty [[concepts:slot|Slots]] selected, right click on the highlighted [[concepts:slot|Slots]] and select ''Scan'' > ''Scan to Assign'' to open the Scan window. {{slot_scan_scan_to_slot.gif}} ===== Scanning Volumes ===== In the ''Scan'' window, scan the [[object:volume|Volumes]], using your preferred [[desktop:scan_window| scanning method]] (Keyboard, Scanner, Clipboard, Input File). In this example we will use [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] copied to Windows Clipboard. When finished scanning, click the ''X'' at the top right to close the Scan window. If you selected the exact number of [[concepts:slot|Slots]] required, or if you under selected, you will receive a popup stating ''No Remaining Slots'' to inform you have no more vacant [[concepts:slot|Slots]] selected. If you need more [[concepts:slot|Slots]] close the ''Scan'' window, select more [[concepts:slot|Slots]] and then right click and select ''Scan'' > ''Scan to Assign'' to re-open the Scan window. Scanned [[object:volume|Volumes]] will show with a black font for current Inventory and greyed out font if they are new [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] (ie. don't currently exist in TapeTrack. New [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] will be added to your default [[object:repository|Repository]] and placed into a move to the [[object:repository|Repository]], [[object:zone|Zone]] and selected [[concepts:slot|Slot]]. [[object:volume|Volumes]] in another [[object:repository|Repository]] will be placed in a move from their Current location to the [[object:repository|Repository]], [[object:zone|Zone]] and selected [[concepts:slot|Slot]]. [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the selected [[object:repository|Repository]] for Slotting will be left in the Current location but will be placed in a move to the [[object:zone|Zone]] and selected [[concepts:slot|Slot]]. {{scan_volumes_clipboard.gif}} ===== Confirm Slot Allocation ===== In the ''Slot Allocation'' window you will now see the [[object:volume|Volume-ID's]] against the assigned [[concepts:slot|Slot]] numbers with a status of ''Paste Update Pending''. To commit the data, right click on the highlighted [[concepts:slot|Slots]] and select ''Apply Updates'' to confirm the new [[concepts:slot|Slot]] allocations. The status of the [[object:volume|Volumes]] will now display ''Reserved''. {{slot_scan_scan_to_slot_update.gif}} Close the ''Slot Allocation'' window by clicking the ''X'' at the top right. ===== Refresh Display ===== Click in the Inventory window in TapeMaster and press F5 to update the display. The Scanned [[object:volume|Volumes]] will now show in a move to the allocated [[concepts:slot|Slots]]. {{allocated_slots.png}} {{tag> technote slotting scan repository zone tapemaster}}