====== Framework Server Command Line Arguments ====== The following command line arguments can be passed to the Framework Server executable: ^ Argument ^ Type ^ Notes ^ | -f | bool | Run the program in foreground more (Windows only) | | -h | string | Path to the directory containing the TapeTrack database | | -l | Integer | Log file format (0=append, 1=truncate, 2=timestamp, 3=stdout/stderr) | | -L | bool | Reload the database | | -p | Integer/string | Port that TapeTrack will listen on. If string, the services file will be checked | | -S | string | Syslogd host in format host:port (default localhost:514) | | -r | bool | Allow a one time login to the 'tapemaster' User-ID with a blank password | | -X | bool | Disable the replication sub-system | | -V | bool | Print version and exit | | -? | bool | Show help text | ===== Example ===== To check what version of the Framework Server you have installed. C:\>TMSS10Server -V TapeTrack FrameWork Server. Compiled Jun 15 2020 @ 16:31:16 <- ^ cli:introduction|Command Line Utilities^ -> {{tag>technote server}}