====== Setting Environmental Variables ====== The default behavior of TapeTrack programs can be changed by setting [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]]. These [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] can be set using the following methods. ===== Windows Command Line ===== set VARIABLE=VALUE Where ''VARIABLE'' is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] name, and ''VALUE'' is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] value. ===== Windows PowerShell ===== To set an [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] in ''Windows PowerShell'', use the ''$env:'' command. $env:TMSSREPORTFORMAT = "CSV" Where ''TMSSREPORTFORMAT'' is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] name, and ''CSV'' is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] value. Using a Windows PowerShell variable $TMSSREPORTFORMAT = "CSV" will not be interpreted as a Windows variable and, as such, will not be applied to the executable or output. ===== Linux Shell ===== To set an [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] in the Linux operating system, use the ''export'' command. export VARIABLE=VALUE Where VARIABLE is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] name, and VALUE is the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] value. You can also prepend the [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] to the command. TMSSREPORTFORMAT=CSV TMSS10Inventory ===== TapeTrack Config File ===== The TapeTrack Config File that is loaded when each [[:start#tapetrack-desktop-software|Desktop]] and [[cli:introduction|Command Line Program]] is initiated, it can also be used to set [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]]. variables = { TMSSLEVELNAMES = "A,B,C"; TMSSNOLEVELSLOT = "1"; }; {{tag>technote environmental_variables setting variables config tapemaster lite checkpoint linux}}