====== Slot Numbering ====== When a [[object:volume|Volume]] has a [[concepts:slot|Slot]] in TapeTrack, the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] is represented by both a [[primer:virtual_physical_slot|Virtual Slot]] and [[primer:virtual_physical_slot|Physical Slot]]. When displaying [[primer:virtual_physical_slot|Physical Slot]], the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] will either be displayed as a [[concepts:slot|Slot]] , or a level and a [[concepts:slot|Slot]] (when the [[object:zone|Zone]] the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] belongs to has defined [[concepts:slot|Slots]] per level). It is possible to change the way a [[primer:virtual_physical_slot|Physical Slot]] is displayed in TapeTrack Desktop and TapeTrack Batch programs by defining changes in the [[technote:config_file|Configuration File]]. ===== Changing Physical Slot Representation ===== ==== Masking the Slot ==== The display in [[desktop:master|TapeMaster]] and [[desktop:lite|Lite]] can be modified to [[technote:config_file|Mask]] the [[concepts:slot|Slot]] number of the [[object:volume|Volumes]], displaying [[object:zone|Zone]] and Shelf only. This can be useful storing [[object:volume|Volumes]] in drawers without dedicated [[concepts:slot|Slots]], allowing librarians to [[concepts:slot|Slot]] the [[object:volume|Volumes]] quickly in a [[object:zone|Zones]] shelf location where [[master:slotting|Slotting]] order is not required. No [[concepts:slot|Slot]] [[technote:config_file|Masking]] - [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] displaying [[object:zone|Zone]], shelf and [[concepts:slot|Slot]] (in the format **Zone_ID [shelf_number.slot_number]**). {{primer:primer_physical_slot_3.png}} [[concepts:slot|Slot]] [[technote:config_file|Masking]] - [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] displaying [[object:zone|Zone]] and shelf only (in the format **Zone_ID [shelf_number]**). {{technote:technote_no_slot_display.png}} For further information and instructions on [[technote:config_file|Masking Slots]] see [[technote:config_file|Masking Slots]] ==== Changing The Level ==== When creating (or editing) a storage [[object:zone|Zone]] for [[object:volume|Volumes]] you have the ability to specify not only the number of [[concepts:slot|Slots]] but the number of [[concepts:slot|Slots]] per level or Shelf. This enables TapeTrack to display the location of a [[object:volume|Volume]] by [[object:zone|Zone]], Shelf and [[concepts:slot|Slot]] number. If you prefer Shelf levels to be displayed alphabetically, or any other string values, this can be achieved via the desktop software configuration file. === Setting Shelf Name Values === Open the configuration file, found in the desktop installation directory (eg TapeMaster default installation directory ''TapeTrack/Tapemaster/TMSSMaster.cfg'', Lite default installation ''TapeTrack/Tapemaster/TMSSLite.cfg'')) in a text editor such as Notepad. * Uncomment (remove /* above and */ below) the code block ''variables = { TMSSLEVELNAMES="A,B,C"; };'' * Set the Shelf names as required, default is level 1 = A, level 2 = B and level 3 = C. * Add any extra Shelf names if required, for example if you have 10 Shelves TMSSLEVELNAMES="A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J"; * Save file, ensuring it is saved with the extension .cfg and not .txt * Restart your desktop software and check the change is effected correctly ==== Example ==== TapeTrack [[desktop:master|TapeTrack TapeMaster]] display with [[object:zone|Zone]] set to 10 [[concepts:slot|Slots]] per Shelf. Display for [[object:volume|Volume]] 000001L5 shows in [[object:zone|Zone]] Rack_01, Shelf 6, [[concepts:slot|Slot]] 1 (in the format **Zone_ID [shelf_number.slot_number]**). The default display mode shows Shelf allocation numerically. {{technote:tapemaster_tmsslevelnames_default.png}} After alteration to the ''TMSSMaster.cfg'' to set TMSSLEVELNAMES="A,B,C", TapeMaster displays the shelf levels alphabetically, exchanging 1 for A, 2 for B etc. Display for [[object:volume|Volume]] 000001L5 shows in [[object:zone|Zone]] Rack_01, Shelf A, [[concepts:slot|Slot]] 1 (in the format **Zone_ID [shelf_number.slot_number]**). {{technote:tapemaster_tmsslevelnames_abc.png}} {{tag>technote slotting zones tapemaster config}}