====== Home Slot ======
When [[object:volume|Volumes]] are Slotted by the Command Line Program [[cli:tmss10slotallocation|TMSS10SlotAllocation]] the Slots assigned are determined by the [[object:repository|Repository]] Options setting, either ''IntelliSlot'' or ''First Available''.
Assigning a [[object:volume|Volume]] with a Home Slot will have [[cli:tmss10slotallocation|TMSS10SlotAllocation]] attempt to slot that [[object:volume|Volume]] to its Home Slot first, if that Slot is unavailable the [[object:volume|Volume]] will be Slotted according to the pre-set protocol.
When [[object:volume|Volumes]] are Slotted via ''Restore Home Slot'' Option, the [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be Slotted in their Home Slot unless the Home Slot value is zero.
===== Prerequisites =====
The required [[object:repository|Repository]] must have an active [[master:repository_assign_zone|Zone assigned]] with adequate Slots.
* [[master:admin_zone|Creating Zones]]
* [[master:repository_assign_zone|Assigning Zones]]
===== Assigning A Home Slot =====
==== Volume Already Slotted In The Required Home Slot ====
If the [[object:volume|Volume]] is already Slotted in (eg. Volume 000010L6), or assigned to the Slot (eg. Volume 000006L6), right click on the [[object:volume|Volume]] and select ''Special Operations'' > ''Capture Home Slot''.
Using this method you can set the Home Slot of one or multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the one operation.
If you use this process with a [[object:volume|Volume]] that is not Slotted or assigned to a Slot (eg. Volume 000012L6) the Home Slot will be set to zero (no Home Slot).
If you use this process on a [[object:volume|Volume]] that already has a Home Slot, the Home Slot value will be set to the Current assigned Slot.
==== Setting Home Slot Via Volume Properties ====
To assign a [[object:volume|Volume]] to a Home Slot, from the Inventory window in TapeMaster:
* Right-click a [[object:volume|Volume]] and select ''Properties''.
* Select the ''Options'' tab.
* Expand the ''Home Locations'' by clicking the ''+''.
* In the ''Slot'' field enter the required Home Slot number by using the incrementor arrows (eg. 3) or typing in the number (eg. 212).
* Click ''Save'' to update the data and close the Properties window.
If a [[object:volume|Volume]] is Slotted in multiple [[object:repository|Repositories]] (eg Offsite Vault and Racking), [[cli:tmss10slotallocation|TMSS10SlotAllocation]] will attempt to assign it to its Home Slot in all [[object:repository|Repositories]].
===== Slotting Volumes In Home Slot Automatically =====
==== Slotting Via TMSS10SlotAllocation ====
Executing [[cli:tmss10slotallocation|TMSS10SlotAllocation]] will attempt to Slot the [[object:volume|Volumes]] in the assigned Home Slot. If the Home Slot is occupied [[cli:tmss10slotallocation|TMSS10SlotAllocation]] will Slot the [[object:volume|Volume]] in an alternative Slot.
==== Slotting Via Restore Home Slot Option ====
If ''Restore Home Slot'' is set to True, the [[object:volume|Volumes]] will be placed in their Home Slot without the need to run TMSS10SlotAllocation.
To set ''Restore Home Slot'' right click the required [[object:repository|Repository]] and select ''Properties''.
Ensure each [[object:volume|Volume]] has a unique Home Slot value. Assigning a Slot to more than one [[object:volume|Volume's]] Home Slot value can result in multiple [[object:volume|Volumes]] being Slotted in the one Slot.
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