==== Troubleshooter ==== ====== Adding Volumes ====== The purpose of this troubleshooter is to diagnose why [[object:volume|Volumes]] in TapeTrack cannot be added. Select the error message presented when trying to add new [[object:volume|Volumes]]. * [[#security-does-not-allow-this-operation|Security Does Not Allow This Operation]] * [[#dissallowed-volume-serial|Dissallowed Volume Serial]] * [[#target-repository-unknown|Target Repository Unknown]] * [[#an-illegal-key-value-was-specified|An Illegal Key Value Was Specified]] ===== Security Does Not Allow This Operation ===== The error ''Security does not allow this operation'' indicates your [[object:user|User-ID]] does not have sufficient access rights to add volumes to TapeTrack. {{:troubleshooting:troubleshooting_repository_not_allow_add_access.png}} To add [[object:volume|Volumes]] you will need to either: * Have you Administrator [[master:user#Access|raise your access]] to include ''Alter'' rights. * Have a [[object:user|User]] with ''Alter'' rights add the [[object:volume|Volumes]] for you. ===== Dissallowed Volume Serial ===== The error ''Dissallowed Volume Serial'' indicates the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] does not meet the filter criteria set in either the [[object:repository|Repository]] or [[object:media|Media]] options. To add new [[object:volume|Volumes]] you will need to either: * Enter a [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] that meets the filter criteria. * Alter the filter criteria to include the new [[object:volume|Volume-ID]]. ===== Target Repository Unknown ===== The error ''Target Repository Unknown'' indicates that there is no current default [[object:repository|Repository]] to add new [[object:volume|Volumes]] too. To add new [[object:volume|Volumes]] you will need to either: * Set a current default [[object:repository|Repository]] in TapeMaster by right-clicking the required [[object:repository|Repository]] and selecting ''Make Default Repository''. * Right click the required Target [[object:repository|Repository]] in TapeMaster and selecting ''Scan''->''To Add'' and Scan-In the new [[object:volume|Volumes]]. ===== An Illegal Key Value Was Specified ===== The error ''An Illegal Key Value Was Specified'' indicates that the [[object:volume|Volume-ID]] has an illegal character in the barcode value. To add new [[object:volume|Volumes]] you will need to either: * Remove any illegal characters from the barcode value. * Hash the barcode value to remove any illegal characters (this allows future scanning of the barcode)