====== TMSS10BACK ======
The [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] ''TMSS10BACK'' specifies the full path to a directory that can be used to backup the TapeTrack Database.
This location is set when the TapeTrack Framework Server is installed. If the database relocated this [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] value will need to be reset to the new location.
Executing the command **set** in a Windows Command Line will display, among other information, the Variable [[variable:TMSS10DB|TMSS10DB]] and its full path. \\
===== Example =====
==== Windows Command Line ====
set TMSS10DB=C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db
==== Windows PowerShell ====
$env:TMSS10DB = "C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Framework Server\var\db"
===== See Also =====
[[technote:setting_environmental_variables|Setting Environmental Variables]]
<- ^ variable:start |Introduction ^ ->
{{tag>environmental_variables path db}}