====== TMSSREPORTFORMAT ====== The [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] ''TMSSREPORTFORMAT'' is used in TapeTrack [[cli:introduction|Command Line Programs]] to define the format of the output produced. ===== Supported Values ===== The following values are currently supported. ^ Value ^ Description ^ | CSV | Create Comma Delimited output | | EXCEL | Create Microsoft Excel output | | HTML | Create HTML output | | JSON | Create JSON output | | PDF | Create PDF output | | TEXT | Create Formatted Text output | ===== Example ===== set TMSSREPORTFORMAT=EXCEL ===== See Also ===== * [[variable:tmsscsvnoheader|TMSSCSVNOHEADER]] * [[variable:tmssexceloutputpath|TMSSEXCELOUTPUTPATH]] * [[variable:tmsspdflogopath|TMSSPDFLOGOPATH]] * [[variable:tmsspdforientation|TMSSPDFORIENTATION]] * [[variable:tmsspdfoutputpath|TMSSPDFOUTPUTPATH]] * [[variable:tmssreporthtmllogo| TMSSREPORTHTMLLOGO]] * [[technote:setting_environmental_variables|Setting Environmental Variables]] {{tag>environmental_variables connecting pdf excel text xml csv}} <- ^ variable:start |Introduction ^ ->