====== TMSSSERVERPROXY ====== The [[variable:start|Environmental Variable]] ''TMSSSERVERPROXY'' tells the TapeTrack Communications API to tunnel all TapeTrack communications via a HTTP proxy. The value of ''TMSSSERVERPROXY'' should be set in the format ''user:password@server:port'', where: * ''user'' (optional) is the user that will be connecting to the HTTP Proxy Server. * ''password'' (optional) is the password of the user that is connecting to the HTTP Proxy Server. * ''server'' (required) is the name or IP address of the HTTP Proxy Server. * ''port'' (optional) is the TCP/IP port number of the HTTP Proxy Server. When troubleshooting HTTP Proxy connections, you should consider using the [[variable:tmssapilogdir|TMSSAPLILOGDIR]] environmental variable. ===== Example ===== set TMSSSERVERPROXY=jsmith:password@ ===== See Also ===== [[technote:setting_environmental_variables|Setting Environmental Variables]] {{tag>environmental_variables connecting}} <- ^ variable:start |Introduction ^ ->