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TMSS10CSV2Fixed converts a CSV file to a fixed length text file.


TMSS10CSV2Fixed [-?] [-v]


Exit Status


TMSSDELIMITER If defined the program will use a delimiter other than the default comma value.

Allowable values are:


Comma Delimitered CSV

Input File

Command Line Syntax

TMSS10CSV2Fixed  0 8 15 10 30 15 < volumes_comma.csv > volumes_comma_fixed.txt

Input file volumes_comma.csv on stdin, output stdout to file volumes_comma_fixed.txt
output column 1 to offset 0, length 8
output column 2 to offset 15, length 10
output column 3 to offset 30, length 15


Tab Delimitered CSV

Input File

Command Line Syntax

TMSS10CSV2Fixed  0 8 15 10 30 15 < volumes_tab.csv > volumes_tab_fixed.txt

Input file volumes_tab.csv on stdin, output stdout to file volumes_tab_fixed.txt
output column 1 to offset 0, length 8
output column 2 to offset 15, length 10
output column 3 to offset 30, length 15

Running TMSS10CSV2Fixed with a file input from stdin and no offsets, will result in output with suggested column offsets to import the data withoout having to count columns and offsets manually.


2015-08-24Changed hascontents to contentcount and change contentcount to a filter rather than bool
2015-08-24Added iscontainer and hascontents to the config file filter logic
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSCANFILEUNQUALIFIED which will load and check volumes without Customer-ID and Media-ID qualifiers
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSSCANFILENOPARSE which will presume scanfile items are only Volumes and not parse them, saving time
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, added CUSTOMER and MEDIA keywords to set defaults
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, changed keyword from VOLUME to BARCODE
2015-05-16Added TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME environmental variable which forces all barcodes to be printed without Customer-ID and Media-ID
2015-05-04Added support for AD passwords to all command line programs (check for environmental variable TMSSNOMD5)
2015-04-30Fixed bug that would cause crash when no arguments passed
2014-11-19Changed server argument parser to allow colon in password to support z/OS DD name files
2014-10-26Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013