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Convert a file of words into a file delimited by a single delimiter.


TMSS10SingleSpace [-d delimiter] [-g group]


TMSS10SingleSpace will read in a file on stdin and ensure the number of spaces between each word is no more than one space and optionally replace the single space with an alternative delimiter then write the record to stdout.


The options which apply to the TMSS10SingleSpace command are:

When using the group argument the program will execute code that is highly recursive and this will slow the program down considerably. This is probably still preferable to writing a custom pre-processor, but where the input file is large and CPU consumption is expensive or time is sensitive a pre-processor may be a better option.

Exit Status


This program does not use any environmental variables.



Replace multiple spaces with a comma and group times.

TMSS10SingleSpace -d "," -g "??/??/???? ??:??"
2015-08-24Changed hascontents to contentcount and change contentcount to a filter rather than bool
2015-08-24Added iscontainer and hascontents to the config file filter logic
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSCANFILEUNQUALIFIED which will load and check volumes without Customer-ID and Media-ID qualifiers
2015-05-16Added environmental varialbe TMSSSCANFILENOPARSE which will presume scanfile items are only Volumes and not parse them, saving time
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, added CUSTOMER and MEDIA keywords to set defaults
2015-05-16When loading scanfile from import definition, changed keyword from VOLUME to BARCODE
2015-05-16Added TMSSUNQUALIFIEDVOLUME environmental variable which forces all barcodes to be printed without Customer-ID and Media-ID
2015-05-04Added support for AD passwords to all command line programs (check for environmental variable TMSSNOMD5)
2014-11-19Changed server argument parser to allow colon in password to support z/OS DD name files
2014-10-26Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013