Setting Up SecureSync

Once you have arranged access to an FTP Inventory file from Iron Mountain, TapeTrack SecureSync can be set up to automatically download and reconcile that file against your TapeTrack Database.

Iron Mountain FTP

Iron Mountain, once requested and established, upload a CSV file which lists all of the Volumes Iron Mountain are currently storing for you.

This file should s list all inventory for all known accounts currently in SecureSync and should be made available on Iron Mountain's FTP server once per day.

Your Iron Mountain account rep needs to complete the attached form (although TapeTrack users normally complete it themselves).

The only information TapeTrack uses is the account code, barcode and media type, if the file has the other usual fields we ignore them.

It usually takes a few days for Iron Mountain to provision the FTP credentials and start dropping the file each day.

A sample script is included in your SecureSync installation, located at TapeTrack\TapeTrack SecureSync\scripts\Reconcile.bat, that aids in the setup required.

Running the SecureSync Reconcile script will call three programs