TapeMaster Changelog

2021-06-03Added Volume View Attribute feature
2021-06-02Added Restore Home Slot option to Repository Options Dialog
2021-06-02Added Slot assignement option to Special Operations in Volume List
2021-06-02Redesigned Volume Location Tabs to better support non-numeric levels
2021-05-30Added Special Operations Capture Home Slot option to Volume Context Menu
2021-05-30Added expiry, last write and next move edit to Volume Properties Options Tab
2021-05-29Fixed bug in Volume Attributes Tab where Lists were not displayed correctly
2021-05-29Added MessageBox to offer License Dialog when License is Not-OK
2021-05-24Fixed bug where edit of tapemaster userid would result in blank properties
2021-05-24Fixed bug where edit of user IP address access would display IP address as mask
2021-05-24Fixed spelling error (#57)
2021-05-24Fixed spelling error (#64)
2021-05-24Fixed bug when using TMSSLEVELNAME and TMSSNOLEVELSLOT variables (#127)
2021-05-08Added delete functionality to Global View
2021-05-08Added Ctrl-Y
2021-05-08Added Options\StartMessage registry entry to allow start message for notice and debugging
2020-06-15Added Catalog View to Volume List
2020-06-15Added Date Filter Test Dialog to Main Menu
2020-06-07Added Ctrl-Y
2020-05-13Fixed bug where Target Repository was not importing
2020-05-13Added double click support to display validation errors
2020-03-16Added Pyjama Paper Style and Gridlines option to List Common Context Menu
2019-10-21Fixed bug in Attribute Table Inclusive Properties
2019-10-21Fixed bug where dropdown for list attributes was delimited by commas
2019-10-21Enanced Volume list to enforce attribute list types
2019-10-21Enhanced Catalog Date List to allow backups to be flagged for deletion
2019-10-21Enhanced Catalog Extent grid to allow modificaiton of expiry date
2019-10-16Added support to mark catalog entries for deletion
2019-10-05Added common menu options to Attribute Table dialog.
2019-10-05Added support for list type attributes
2019-04-17Fixed bug that was slowing Volume list refresh and some sorts
2019-03-04Added Automatic Long Barcode Add to Scan To Add (Volume and Repository List)
2019-03-04Added Long Barcode Attribute Option to Customer Dialog
2019-02-14Changed Paste Volumes to that it asks if you really want to add new tapes
2019-02-14Fixed bug in Volume List time moving sort order
2019-02-13Added Filter Save/Restore and Clear functions
2019-02-10Added inherit user flag to user profile
2019-02-03Changed Attribute Index to Attribute Name on Global Search Criteria screen
2019-01-29Added Directory/Command Line options to Help Menu
2019-01-27Added Attribute Index to Global Search selection dialog
2019-01-25Fixed bug in file download
2019-01-21Added Favorite support to Global View
2019-01-21Fixed icon display problem on Global View
2019-01-21Added Copy to Clipboard to common menu
2019-01-20Fixed Select by ID Long Barcode option to put barcodes into upper case
2019-01-20Added Random selection option (Ctrl+R)
2019-01-20Added new standard context menu items
2019-01-13Removed Options and Defaults tab from User Properties (put them under Identity Tab)
2019-01-13Added Unlock menu to user list (under Management)
2019-01-13Changed User Access Identity tab to a grid and removed role tab
2019-01-13Removed password column from User List (reset via context menu)
2019-01-07Added check for more than 60 Volumes when assigning to a container (Volume List and Volume Properties)
2019-01-07Changed Zone Preoperties dialog so that it now uses a grid
2019-01-03Added File Search option
2019-01-03Moved Catalog Search under its own sub-menu
2019-01-01Fixed bug where Global Run Command was appearing in context menus
2019-01-01Added support for Paste by ID for Long Barcodes
2018-12-28Added check for invalid change of default Customer/Media-ID in Scan Window
2018-12-28Added dropdowns for default Customer/Media-ID in Scan Window
2018-12-27Added support for Catalog security level
2018-12-17Added File level support to catalog
2018-11-13Added config file support to all Volume parsing routines
2018-11-05Added code to remove []()="' characters from Volume-ID
2018-11-04Fixed behavior of Target Repository Filter
2018-11-04Fixed bug in intial sort order of Zone Selection Dialog
2018-11-04Added icon to Barcode Validation Utility
2018-11-04Added create keyword to TMSSMaster.cfg for Media and Repository Helpers
2018-10-19Added Excel Container Import Tool
2018-10-19Cleaned up Tools menu with grouping
2018-10-02Changed wording in Zone Administration Column Headings
2018-10-02Fixed Ctrl-P to create PDF and launch print dialog
2018-10-02Fixed bug where Hide/Show in Volume List Properties was not working
2018-10-02Fixed export to PDF bug that casused crash after PDF creation
2018-10-02Added last updated time, user and program to Volume Global View
2018-10-02Added sort to Operation Failed list control
2018-09-30Added tab to the delimiter for list paste
2018-08-15Added error code reporting to PDF export
2018-08-14Added sort to Operation Result List
2018-08-12Added Zebra SSI support to Scan Window
2018-08-12Replaced barcode with QR and moved Advanced Capture Buttons to the right
2018-08-10Fixed bug with Stock Control display where count was only displaying 4 bytes
2018-07-17Added Cerify option to user profile
2018-07-16Fixed bug where Attribute change was not being reflected in the Volume List column heading
2018-07-16Fixed bug with Run Commands (global and volume) and Add To Repository menu
2018-07-16Increased width of Media Properties dialog
2018-07-03Added openfile option to run command functionality
2018-07-03Added Run Command option to Main Menu
2018-07-03Added subtitle to PDF export
2018-07-01Added Export to PDF option to common export dialog. Removed all Print All/Print Selected menus
2018-06-28Added export to PDF option
2018-06-24Added duplicate check to Repository Usage Map Paste and Scan options
2018-06-22Added Run Comand option to Volume List Context Menu
2018-06-12Fixed bug in Scan To Move where Volume was not refreshing
2018-06-12Fixed bug in Volume List when Attribute was changed and did not reflect in display
2018-06-12Added Scratch/Usage to History
2018-06-12Added Set Generation option to Volume context menu
2018-06-12Added Sort to Generation Dispersement dialog
2018-06-12Added Speech option to Repository Usage Map
2018-06-12Enabled Column Reoordering in Generation Dispaerement and Repository Usage Map
2018-06-12Enhanced Generation Dispersement dialog
2018-06-12Enhanced history item type display
2018-06-09Added Scratch/Usage to History
2018-06-09Enhanced history item type display
2018-06-06Added Sort to Generation Dispersement dialog
2018-06-06Added Speech option to Repository Usage Map
2018-06-06Enabled Column Reoordering in Generation Dispaerement and Repository Usage Map
2018-06-05Added Set Generation option to Volume context menu
2018-06-05Enhanced Generation Dispersement dialog
2018-05-26Fixed bug where unapplied update message was issued after updates were applied
2018-05-26Fixed bugs in Repository Usage Map Helper
2018-05-26Rewrote Repository Zone Allocation dialog
2018-05-24Redesigned Zone selection dialog when allocating to Repository
2018-04-18Added support for startup commands in config file for RFID session
2018-04-18Fixed bug in RFID scanning where window close could cause crash
2018-04-07Added length field to RFID Scan Window
2018-04-07Added support for RFID labels with training spaces
2018-03-12Added RFID scan button to Scan Window
2018-03-12Added Ctrl-S to be able to select List Type
2018-03-03Added seconds since refresh to Volime List header
2018-03-03Added Ctrl+A (Select All), Ctrl+I (Invert Selection), Ctrl+E (Export) to all lists
2018-03-03Added Generation Dispersement Screen to Volume List
2018-01-31Added scan count column to Scan Window
2018-01-28Added support for blocking slots to the Repository Usage Map
2018-01-28Added support for Generation and Percentage Used to Volume Properties
2018-01-26Added Target Slot as a field
2018-01-26Added Max Auto Volume Swap Option for Volume List
2018-01-26Fixed bug where Volume List updates relating to location were not being reflected
2018-01-26Added Print and Export Context Menup items to Repository Usage Map
2018-01-26Added Repository Assignment Helper to Repository Usage Map
2018-01-25Fixed bug where Descriptions did not refresh when Volume List was refreshed
2018-01-25Fixed bug where Edit, Paste, Select in List, Volumes was not passing default CustomerID and MediaID
2018-01-17Added Paste from Clipboard option to verify screen
2018-01-17Added list values for column option to initial screen
2018-01-17Removed back and forward buttons to change control to the property list (allows access to any record)
2018-01-16Fixed bug where an exception was raised by Paste by ID function in Volume List if date was invalid
2018-01-15Added Select Know Volumes context menu to final screen
2018-01-15Changed sort order of Customer List dropdown to make it easier to find Customers when the list is long
2018-01-06Disabled load and save buttons when no workbook loaded
2018-01-05Redesigned Volume delete confirmation to check for Repository that does not allow deletes
2018-01-03Added check to see if user was deleting the default Repository
2017-12-25Redesigned error dialog
2017-12-24Fixed bug in Excel import where Excel 2007+ files would not load
2017-12-24Fixed bug in Excel import where field updates were not reflected when next, back and load were pressed
2017-12-24Removed Current Location from Excel import as this can not be explicitly set
2017-12-24Added Translated and Length fields to Excel import screen
2017-12-24Reduced size of Excel import window
2017-12-08Fixed bug in spin controls for license dialog
2017-12-08Fixxed spelling error in email template
2017-12-08Added Target and Current repository and slot to Excel export
2017-12-08Added check for 100 Volume limit in license dialog
2017-11-09Fixed bug in Volume Global screen where Customer Description was not being displayed
2017-09-01Added barcodes\nodefaultbarcodes support to Config file
2017-09-01Added check of default Customer-ID and Media-ID when scanning default barcode
2017-08-28Fixed bug with history of volumes with lower case IDs
2017-08-28Added Interface to Generic History Screen
2017-07-01Enhanced Zone formatting so that you can now hide slot when levels are in use (variable TMSSNOLEVELSLOT)
2017-06-23Added select all button to Export Dialog and changed behavior to only export selected items
2017-06-22Added Scan Detail report to Scan Window
2017-06-10Added auto scan start to Container Assignment Utility
2017-06-10Added check to Container Assignment Utility for Volume already assigned to Container
2017-06-10Fixed problem with list view column resizing
2017-06-10Added Properties Window to Scan Dialog
2017-06-10Changed Volume column to fixed point font
2017-06-01Added Container Assignment Utility
2017-04-22Fixed bug in Date Aging Screen that related to past dates
2017-04-22Added Dynamic Expiry Date option to Media Type Options
2017-04-14Fixed bug where Stock Add could go below zero and wrap to max integer
2017-04-14Added Scan to Assign to Repository Usage Map
2017-04-13Fixed filter bug where rebalancing columns were not repaining filter edit control correctly
2017-03-31Added Multiline scan disable option to Scan Dialog.
2017-03-06Added Mobile Scan option to Scan Dialog
2017-02-24Removed ODBC Excel import dependency
2017-01-28Added support for Stock Control
2017-01-28Fixed bug in Delete Confirmation Dialog that placed results under the Progess Dialog when no cancel was pressed
2017-01-16Enhanced Container Selection Dialog
2017-01-06Added support for customer Repository icons
2017-01-06Added Upgrade option to Help Menu
2017-01-04Added Export to Excel functionality to Generic Export Dialog
2016-12-23Fixed bug in Repository sort order in Volume List
2016-12-21Fixed bug where Kerberos logon screen would appear after disconnect even when Kerberos was not selected
2016-12-21Fixed bug where after disconnect an automatic reconnect was not attempted
2016-12-21Changed DPI Awareness to None to render properly on Microsoft Surface
2016-12-18Added Copy, Export and Select to Missing Volumes dialog
2016-11-27Enhanced Repository Usage Map to ask to add unknow Volumes
2016-11-26Added show missing volume in sequence option to Volume List context menu
2016-10-01Add Export option to Global View
2016-10-01Added showparent override to config file
2016-09-15Added Zone Clone context menu to Zone Administration
2016-09-12Added support for allowable Volumes in Repository options
2016-09-11Added missing sort to Catalog Search option
2016-09-11Enhanced Volume Catalog tab for speed and sorting
2016-08-27Fixed bug where Attribute Table copy to clipboard did not show popup
2016-08-27Fixed bug where local time zone description could be displayed as a compatible time zone.
2016-08-27Added Kerberos Single Sign-On support
2016-08-11Fixed sorting bug in Attribute Table
2016-08-03Added support for relaxed barcode matching
2016-06-18Fixed bug in Attribute Search dialog where large numbers of results would cause a crash
2016-05-29Fixed bug in Attribute Table with editing an integer type value
2016-05-29Added Add-To context menu to Media Property Volume Build tab
2016-05-29Added To Scan-Out and To Add option to Repository context menu.
2016-05-17Fixed bug in User and Group properties that would cause a crash when you selected the access tab
2016-05-17Enhanced Catalog Search dialog to be resizable
2016-05-15Added Catalog Search option to tools
2016-05-11Fixed bug where title bars with stings containing ampersands would print with underscore
2016-05-10Fixed bug in Manage Repository where Target was being used to select scratch volumes
2016-05-10Fixed bug with User and Group Access Control Tab
2016-05-09Added Manage Repository Option
2016-05-07Added Repository sort sequence field to Repository properties to influence Repository sorting in Repository List
2016-05-05Fixed bug in Modify Flags option where cancel did not cancel operation
2016-05-02Fixed bug in Global View option that only occured on 64 bit release
2016-05-02Fixed sort problem in Volume History tab where Added records came before the subsequent move if performed within the same second
2016-05-02Added Global View option
2016-05-02Added support for Favorites
2016-05-02Fixed but in Server Information option where a loop would occur if the user was not logged-in
2016-05-01Changed case inconsistencies in license dialog
2016-04-23Enhanced Edit Paste Select option to allow selected on items not found
2016-04-19Find dialog (F3 in Customer Tree) now finds only one item and ensures that the items is visible
2016-04-19Find dialog is now case insensitive (but still requires wildcards for incomplete strings)
2016-04-19Previously expanded Customer Tree items remain expaned after tree rebuild
2016-04-17Added Repository List size option to context menu
2016-04-15Fixed bug with no next Repository in Setup dialog
2016-04-08Added cleaning cartridge warning to scan dialog
2016-04-08Fixed bug where Media Setup did not run for first Customer
2016-04-08Added popup feedback for new Media and Repositories added in Setup dialog
2016-03-22Fixed bug where tapes with permanent next moves were displayed when next move filter was specified
2016-03-15Fixed bug in Media Type Volume Building Tab that occured occasionally when items were modified
2016-03-03Added tool tips to paste, open and SCSI buttons
2016-02-16Added check to only update AD Group data when updates have been made to the table
2016-02-16Changed postion of Access Add window in User Access tab
2016-02-16Removed popup menu option to add access in User Access list
2016-02-16Added check to make sure uncommitted access is added in the User Access list
2016-02-14Fixed bug in Attribute Table dialog that sometimes resulted in memory access assertion messages
2016-02-02Added SCSI Media Changer Console option
2016-02-02Added barcode display to Volume window
2016-02-02Initialized new Simple Management rule to have all scope as wildcards + added check on dialog close
2016-01-25Added SCSI Media Changer option to Scan Window
2016-01-25Added Media/Repository helper to Add Customer dialog
2016-01-25Added Repository helper to Add Media dialog
2016-01-22Changed XML export to use CDATA around all data
2016-01-22Added expiry and last sync dates to Date Aging dialog
2016-01-09Fixed bug when deleting barcode definitions
2016-01-09Fixed bug where custom level names set as environmental variables in config file were not being passed through
2015-12-28Fixed bug that caused crash when editing Media Type properties
2015-12-28Fixed bug where Attribute History descriptions were innacurate
2015-12-27Added Attribute History Dialog
2015-12-26Fixed bug in Date Aging where dates less than one day were appearing under past/future
2015-12-26Fixed bug with Volume window filters
2015-12-26Add message box when exporting license with less than 30 days and less than 250 tapes
2015-12-26Added 'P' (Past) and 'F' (Future) option to date filters
2015-12-26Added Attribute Pie option to Volume window
2015-12-26Added Catalog tab to Volume Dialog
2015-12-26Added Copy, Export and Print to Date Aging dialog
2015-12-26Added Date Aging option to Volume window
2015-12-26Added birth date and last failed audit date to Date Aging dialog
2015-12-26Added extended flags filtering (i.e. Z!M)
2015-12-26Added indexed paste (Attribute/Next Move) to Volume window
2015-12-26Added popup when license has less than 30 days
2015-12-26Enhanced Next Move Date Modification dialog
2015-12-26Password input box reset after unsuccessful login
2015-10-21Added inline editing option to slots per level column in Zone List window
2015-10-21Added Cut/Paste accellerators to Volume, Repository and Repository Map windows
2015-10-21Fixed bug where paste in Volume window did not show errors
2015-10-20Added support for config file server settings
2015-10-20Added Customer/Media scope details to Volume List title window
2015-10-20Fixed intermittent redraw problem with User List
2015-09-15Fixed bug where disabled simple management rules were not showing in grey (changed grey to strikeout font)
2015-09-12Added option to disable inline editing in Volume List
2015-09-12Added retention of column reordering and resizing in Volume List
2015-09-11Fixed bug Volume List Copy Container operation
2015-09-11Added paste select in list functionality to Volume List using Attributes
2015-09-11Changed Volume Attribute copy operation to copy multiple Atrributes to clipboard (rather than only 1 item at a time)
2015-09-11Moved Volume List paste in list item to sub-menu item
2015-08-23Fixed bug in Volume Window drag and drop
2015-08-22Added code to truncate loaded file data in scan window for space, comma, tab and semi-colon
2015-06-26Fixed bug were sometimes the volume list was not visible even though there were items in the list
2015-06-26Removed Simple Management Type column from Simple Management List (redundant)
2015-06-21Disabled Licensing Menu option if user does not have required access
2015-06-11Added Lat/Long to Repository
2015-05-30Added secondary attribute to both Media Type and Repository to facilitate identified resources not being displayed in iPhone App
2015-05-08Fixed bug with Scan to Confirm option of Repository List
2015-05-08Enhanced Scan to Confirm option of Repository List to only show relevent Volumes
2015-05-08Enhanced Scan to Move option of Repository List to only show relevent Volumes
2015-05-08Added Scratch Repository icon
2015-05-08Added ability to hide/unhide Repositories on a user registry basis
2015-04-30Added Scratch Deficit to Library Health
2015-04-27Fixed User Properties so that a newly added Group is automatically selected
2015-04-27Added Media Type option that disables move-back warning
2015-04-27Added Ordered Repository type (including icon)
2015-04-21Added scratch option to Repository options
2015-03-21Added Notes icon to Notes Dialog
2015-03-21Changed 'Server Administration' menu text to 'Server Options'
2015-03-21Fixed but with User and Group Access Control Tab
2015-03-21Added Stage option to Server Options
2015-03-21Added Stage setting to Volume Options
2015-03-21Added popup and message box when server is set to read-only
2015-03-19Changed Attributes slection in Volume Options grid to update Attributes as they are changed
2015-03-19Changed Description column header so that it now updates to the name of the selected Attribute
2015-03-08Added Scan To Confirm option to Repository popup menu
2015-03-08Added forward and backward buttons to Volume History detail dialog
2015-03-08Moved Scan To Move Reposotory option to Scan sub-menu
2015-02-24Added Customer access to Group
2015-02-24Enhanced User Access dialog in the User Dialog
2015-02-24Moved Role into its own tab in the Group dialog
2015-02-24Set default Group Pattern to asterisk
2015-02-24Set default IP accesss to in the User dialog
2015-02-18Added Minimum Scratch to Repository properties
2015-02-18Added popup messages when there are not enough Scratch Volumes
2015-02-18Added Scratch Count to Repository stats and messages
2015-02-13Added Export to Email, Text and XML to Volume History Tab
2014-12-14Fixed Customer Tree so that it now shows child Volume count with thousands
2014-12-14Added option to hide Customers if they have no Volumes when displaying the Customer Tree without children
2014-11-30Fixed bug in Replication Statistics Tab that would cause program to crash when there was one or more replicant sites
2014-10-26Upgraded development environment from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2013
2014-09-13Added print and export menu to Volume Notes tab
2014-09-13Changed Volume Attribute tab to use Property Grid rather than list
2014-09-12Fixed bug where Customer Access prediction list in User profile was not displaying customer descriptions longer than 20 characters
2014-09-12Added Container, Description, Target and Current Repository filters to Volume Search Tool
2014-09-06Fixed problem with History Rewind where screen would exit if enter was hit
2014-09-06Merged statistics related Administration screens into one tab
2014-09-06Added Set as Default Repository menu item to Repository List
2014-09-06Added functionality to ask if new Repository should be Default Repository
2014-09-06Added functionality to create random password for new User-ID and email credentials to User
2014-09-06Renamed 'Unknown Repository' to 'Default Repository'
2014-09-05Fixed problem where history rewind would show the Target Repository rather than the Current Repository
2014-09-05Changed reference to 'move date' to 'next move' and 'next move date'
2014-08-31Added Pre and Post barcode processing indicators to the Barcode Validation Utility
2014-08-31Added 2nd phase cleanup to localize barcode processing allowing the use of the cleanup directive in the .cfg file
2014-08-29Added barcode conversion edit functionality and moved barcode handler window to tab with conversion list
2014-08-16Added Edit option to Scan Window to allow for adding prefix and suffix to scanned barcode
2014-08-16Changed filter timeout from 10 to 500 milliseconds to minimize refresh cycles on slow connections
2014-08-16Fixed problem in History Rewind dialog where the list did not refresh when user initially hit the range checkbox
2014-08-14Added Modulo 43 calculation to barcode validation dialog
2014-08-14Redesigned barcode validation dialog to use property grid
2014-08-06Fixed working for Domain Controller in user profile to AD Domain
2014-08-06Added export to email option to Volume List


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TapeTrack Change Log>