Table of Contents


The List task allows you to build a list of volumes using a Barcode scanner and then perform basic functions, such as adding tapes to your database or moving tapes to other repositories

List Process

Select List

Select List from the Task Menu and click Next to continue.

Set Options

This will open the Options window. If required you can set the location for the log files to be written to, or leave the default.

To change the default directory, click in the field to the right of the Log File Folder and click on the () button and select directory.

Click Next to continue.

Scanning in Volumes

Scan the required Volume/s using your preferred scanning method.

Once the Volume/s have been entered close the List Volumes Input window by clicking the X in the top right corner to return to the Scan To List window.

The List Volumes Input window can be reopened if required to enter more volumes by pressing F10 or clicking the Scanner Icon at the top left of the Scan To List window.

Select Volumes

Select required Volumes by:

List Right-Click Options

Right click the highlighted Volumes and select from the menu options:

For more export options including PDF, CSV, Excel, text or XML files click Ctrl + E to open Export Type Selection window.

Click Next to continue.


This will bring up the Complete window, from here you can:

  • Click View Log File to view the log file of the last completed process..
  • Click Print Log File to save a PDF of the log file to print from your PDF viewer.
  • Click About this Software to view product and support (email, phone & website) information.
  • Click Back button to return to start menu and select another task.
  • Click Finish button or X at the top right of the window to exit TapeTrack Lite.