Table of Contents

Printing Unqualified Barcode Labels

Printing Unqualified Barcodes with TapeTrack Barcode Printer is accomplished by either copy/pasting the Barcodes or loading the Barcodes via a text file into the Barcode Printer.

Loading Barcodes Via Copy/Paste

Copy The Barcodes To The Clipboard

Load the required Barcodes to your Windows Clipboard, this can be accomplished simply copying the Barcode values from a text file, email or, if the Volumes are already present in TapeTrack, copied directly via TapeMaster by selecting the required Volumes, right clicking them and selecting EditCopyUnqualified Volumes.

Opening The Barcode Printer

Open the Barcode Printer via the Windows Start Menu at TapeTrackBarcode Printer

Alternatively, navigate in File Explorer to the TapeTrack TapeMaster installation directory and run the executable TMSSBarcodePrinter.exe.

Pasting The Barcodes In The Barcode Printer

In the right window of the Barcode Printer, right click and select EditPaste to add the Barcodes.

Printing The Barcodes

Loading Barcodes With A Text File

Creating The Barcode Text File

Information in the text file has the format of barcode;Human_readable_barcode, one Barcode per line.

The Barcode Text File can be created several different ways, which method is best used depends on the quantity of Barcode labels required.

If only a couple of labels are required, the easiest method is to use a text editor like Notepad to manually type the labels required.

If a large number of Barcode Labels using Excel to create the required values for the text file:

Opening The Barcode Printer

Open the Barcode Printer via the Windows Start Menu at TapeTrackBarcode Printer

Alternatively, navigate in File Explorer to the TapeTrack TapeMaster installation directory and run the executable TMSSBarcodePrinter.exe.

Loading Barcodes From Text File

From the Main Menu select FileOpen

Navigate to and select the Barcode Text File. Click Open to load the file.

Printing The Barcodes

Editing Print Layout

Use the left window pane on the Barcode Printer to edit the print layout options to suit your requirements.

Preview Print Layout

From the Main Menu, select FilePrint Preview

From the preview screen, you can click Zoom to enlarge the Barcodes, Print if your happy with the layout, or Close to return back to the Barcode Printer to make further adjustments.

To print the labels, from the Main Menu select FilePrint to open the Print dialog, select your desired printer and click OK.

Closing The Barcode Printer

To close the Barcode Printer, from the Main Menu select FileExit or click the X at the top right of the window.