Table of Contents


Sync Introduction

This guide has been written to assist those responsible for tape management with the process of integrating their backup software or tape management system with the TapeTrack Media Management Software.

For those who have their own TapeTrack Framework Server, these instructions relate to connecting to your own system, while, for those who use TapeTrack via a relationship with their data protection provider, these instructions relate to connecting into your vendor's system.

Prerequisite knowledge

Knowledge of the following skills would be advantageous in implementing TapeTrack synchronization:

Synchronization Process

TapeTrack's Synchronization Suite is a powerful toolkit that allows you to set fields within TapeTrack based upon the values of fields within your backup or tape management software.

The logic flow of synchronization is as follows:

To reduce the overhead of retrieving records, when the Customer and/or Media scope change all information on all Volumes within the current scope is downloaded and loaded into a cache.

Where the Customer and/or Media scope do not change this means that the synchronization program only needs to download this information once.

Care should be taken not to randomize Volumes within a Customer and or Media scope as this will degrade the performance of the program.

If Volume scope is randomized it is strongly recommended that the data source be sorted as a step prior to synchronization.

The benefits of synchronization

Synchronization with your backup or tape management system has the following benefits:

  1. Automation of tape movement requests, including setting description fields and the next move date of each tape.
  2. The ability to synchronize off a picking and distribution list or a complete inventory list.
  3. Elimination of errors that are possible with manual data input.
  4. Ensuring that tape movements are not dependent on manual intervention that cease if a key employee is absent.
  5. The ability to securely synchronize over the Internet.
  6. Warning messages when tapes are in the library that are expected not to be.
  7. Warning messages when tapes are not in the library that are expected to be.
  8. Automatic confirmation of tapes when they are entered into the library, reducing the need for manual barcode scanning.