Table of Contents

TMSS10LibraryHealth Reports

Command Line Input - Text File

TMSS10LibraryHealth -S user:-password:-@server

Text File Output

             System: TapeTrack
 Report Description: Library Health Report
       Report Notes: Customer(Nashville Data Center)
    Production Time: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - 14:04:46 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)
       Report Width: 63 bytes

 Media                Health Status                            
 -------------------- ---------------------------------------- 
 LTO Cartridge        Non-Recoverable                          
                      Reason                           Penalty 
                      -------------------------------- ------- 
                      No Sync for 4 days                   -10 
                      No Sync for 10 days                  -10 
                      No DR Strategies for 4 days          -10 
                      No DR Strategies for 10 days         -10 
                      DR Strategies have errors            -10 
                      No Offsite activity for 4 days       -10 
                      No Offsite activity for 10 days      -20 
                      Scratch Deficit                      -30 
                      Volume-ID  Current              Target               Last-Scanned         Overdue   Audit Warning Audit Date          
                      ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------- 
 -------------------- ---------------------------------------- 

Command Line Input - PDF File

TMSS10LibraryHealth -S user:-password:-@server

PDF File Output

Command Line Input - Excel File

Excel File Output