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TMSS10ListConsignments Reports

Command Line Input

TMSS10ListConsignments -S user:-pass@server -C "US02" -M "240" 2> stderr.txt

Command Line Output

ZBT001N-12:15:25 TMSS10ListConsignments (c) GazillaByte 1998-2018
ZBT002N-12:15:25 Compiled Feb 23 2018 at 08:49:02
ZBT010I-12:15:25 this program will list TapeTrack Consignments
ZBT006N-12:15:25 Running Under Windows 10 (build 16299 10.00) on platform x64
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Host is Little Endian
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Host is ASCII
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Binary is 64 bit
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Current Working Directory is C:\Users\Scott\Desktop\GazillaByte\Code Examples\TMSS10ListConsignments
ZBT004N-12:15:25 Today is Wednesday, March 21, 2018
ZBT005N-12:15:25 Running on Laptop_Senior
ZBT006N-12:15:25 Process ID 6876
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Parsing and validating command arguments
ZBT001N-12:15:25 Server Interpreted as: Server(server) Port(5000) User(user) Password(******)
ZBT002N-12:15:25 Program Options:
ZBT002N-12:15:25 	(C) Customer Filter=US02
ZBT002N-12:15:25 	(M) Threshhold Minutes=240
ZBT002N-12:15:25 	(S) Server=<VALUE HIDDEN>
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Arguments parsed and validated with 0 errors
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Threshold time is 240 minutes (Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 16:15:25)
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Checking for environment variable TMSSSERVERPROXY
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Connection to server ( successful
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Logging on to TapeTrack Server
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Registering Client at MACID(00:8c:fa:8e:02:f5:00:00) Result(Request OK)
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Last Logon was at Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 12:13:06 from (Laptop_Senior)
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Welcome to Server: Production
ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Thursday, November 09, 2017 - 12:57:00) UnderThreshold(190278) Description()
ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:45:00) UnderThreshold(158430) Description(Thursday Recall)
ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:48:00) UnderThreshold(158427) Description(Friday Recall)
ZBT9000I-12:15:25 Customer(US02) DueTime(Friday, December 01, 2017 - 15:48:00) UnderThreshold(158427) Description(Friday Recall)
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Closing connection to TapeTrack Server
ZBT000N-12:15:25 Session Statistics:
ZBT000N-12:15:25 	Seconds Connected: 0
ZBT000N-12:15:25 	Queries Completed: 4
ZBT000N-12:15:25 	       Bytes Sent: 208
ZBT000N-12:15:25 	   Bytes Received: 464
ZBT900N-12:15:25 Program Complete
ZBT901N-12:15:25 Elapsed time 0 minutes and 0 seconds
ZBT991N-12:15:25 CRC values for this session: 0x21291d8 (0x78f5e5f8)
ZBT992N-12:15:25 Number of records written: 37
ZBT993N-12:15:25 Number of bytes written: 2,334
ZBT999N-12:15:25 Program ended