Table of Contents

Set Volume Slot Manually


Target Repository must have an active Zone with vacant Slots available.

Volume must be in a move to, or currently at, the Repository into which it is to be Slotted.

Setting Slot For Volumes

Double click the required Volume to open the Volume Properties window.

Open the Target Repository tab.

If the Volume is located in another Repository and not moving to the Repository to be Slotted in, you will need to select the required Repository from the drop down list in the Virtual Location Repository field to place it in a move status. Click Yes to open the Slot Allocation window.

If the Volume is already in a move to, or located at, the Slotting Repository, under Virtual Location click in the Slot field and then click the button to open the Slot Allocation window.

Click on the required unallocated Slot and then click OK to assign the Volume to that slot.

Click Save on the Volume Properties window to save the Target Slot data.