Table of Contents

Getting Help

The Get Help task allows you to open up a dialogue giving you the option of creating a help desk support ticket via email or web portal.

Password Process

Select Get Help

Select Get Help from the Task Menu and click Next to continue.

Creating An Assistance Ticket

This will open a dialogue with the option of creating an Assistance Ticket via email.

Create Assistance Ticket Via Email

Selecting Yes will open your default mail client with a template email.

This template will help guide you on how to best describe the problem you are experiencing, as well as details about:

Sending this email will create an assistance ticket from which the help desk staff will assist you via email.

If you don't have a default mail client installed you will be prompted to set one up.

Create Assistance Ticket Via Web Portal

Selecting No to creating an Assistance Ticket via email will open your browser and direct you to where you can raise an assistance ticket through a web portal.


Replies to the ticket from the help desk will be posted in this portal as well as to the email you registered when setting up your help desk login.

Cancel Assistance Ticket

Selecting Cancel to creating an Assistance Ticket via email will exit back to TapeTrack Lite.