Table of Contents


The Recall task allows you to request Media back from another Repository, such as your offsite vendor or remote storage facility.

Recall Process

Select Recall

Click the arrow to open the drop box menu and select Recall from the Task Menu.


This will open the Options window. If required you can set the location for the log files to be written to, or leave the default.

To change the default directory, click in the field to the right of the Log File Folder and click on the () button and select directory.

Click Next to continue.

Selecting a Customer

Select the account or Customer that you want to manage Volumes for by double-clicking the Customer Description or Customer-ID or left-clicking the Customer Description or Customer-ID and clicking Next at the bottom of the page to continue.

Selecting a Media Type

Select the Media type that you want recalled by double-clicking the Media-ID or left-clicking the Media-ID and clicking Next at the bottom of the page to continue.

Selecting a Repository

Select the Repository that you want the Volumes recalled to by double-clicking the Repository-ID or left-clicking the Repository-ID and clicking Next at the bottom of the page to continue.

Selecting Volumes

The Recall Volume Selection window shows all Volumes at any Repository other than the one you are recalling to. Displayed Volumes can be filtered to aid selection, such as only showing Offsite Volumes by adding the filter Of*.

Select the Volumes you wish to recall by either:

If any Volumes are selected in error, right-click those Volumes and click on de-select or double-click to de-select. To de-select a range of Volumes , use shift+click to select range, right-click range and click de-select.

Click Next when all required Volumes are selected.

Recalling Volumes

Insert information based on the criteria for your Volume recall delivery

Click Next to process the recall consignment.


This will bring up the Complete window, from here you can:

  • Click View Log File to view the log file of the last completed process..
  • Click Print Log File to save a PDF of the log file to print from your PDF viewer.
  • Click About this Software to view product and support (email, phone & website) information.
  • Click Back button to return to start menu and select another task.
  • Click Finish button or X at the top right of the window to exit TapeTrack Lite.