Table of Contents

Date Aging - Birthday

Displays a table and bar graph of selected Volumes birthday or creation date otherwise referred to as the date the Volumes were initially added to TapeTrack.

Selecting Volumes for Display

Select all Volumes by right-clicking in the Inventory window and select SelectAll, or using shift+click and/or control+click select the range of Volumes required.

Display Volume Birthday

Right-click the selected volumes and click ViewDate AgingBirthday.

Volumes and associated information can be reordered by Volume-ID, Date created or Days since creation by clicking on column headings. Clicking on the same heading will change the displayed order between ascending and descending order.

Right-Click Options

Right clicking on the left window will present a menu of extra functions:

  • Properties: Opens Volume Properties, if multiple Volumes are selected Volume Properties will open sequentially for each one.
  • Copy Column
    • Volume-ID: Copies selected Volume-ID's column values to Windows Clipboard.
    • Date: Copies selected Volume-ID's Dates column values to Windows Clipboard.
    • Days: Copies selected Volume-ID's Days column values to Windows Clipboard.
  • Count Unique Values
    • Volume-ID: Counts unique selected Volume-ID's column values and displays them in a Pie Chart and table.
    • Date: Counts unique selected Dates column values and displays them in a Pie Chart and table.
    • Days: Counts unique selected Days column values and displays them in a Pie Chart and table.
  • Export: Opens Export window to export selected Volume-ID's to file.
  • Filters
    • Clear All
    • Restore
    • Save
  • Print: Prints selected Volumes to PDF.
  • Select
    • All: Selects all Volumes.
    • Invert: Inverts Volume selection.
    • Random: Opens dialog to select a number of random Volumes (input number or percentage to be selected)
  • View
    • Icon: Displays list in Icon format.
    • List: Displays Volume-ID's in List format.
    • Report: Displays list in Report format including Volume-ID, Date and Days.
    • Small Icon: Displays list in Small Icon format.
    • Extras
      • Balance Columns: Balances column spacing in report.
      • Display Gridlines: Adds Gridlines to rows in report.
      • Display Pyjama Paper Style: Adds Pyjama paper style shading to rows in report.