TapeTrack Documentation

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engine:import:conditionalembed [2020/02/24 02:34] Scott Cunliffeengine:import:conditionalembed [2025/01/21 22:07] (current) – external edit
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 ===== Phase ===== ===== Phase =====
 This instruction is used by the TapeTrack INI Engine. This instruction is used by the TapeTrack INI Engine.
 +===== Syntax=====
 ''ConditionalEmbed(filepath, filter, value);'' ''ConditionalEmbed(filepath, filter, value);''
-//string filepath;//\\ +^ Variable ^ Type ^ Description ^ Min Length ^ Max Length ^ 
-//string filter;//\\ +|filepath| String | The full or relative path to a file that you wish to embed.|1|256
-//string value;//\\ +|filter| String | A filter value.|1|1024
- +|string| String | A string value to be compared against the filter value.|1|256|
-|filepath| The full or relative path to a file that you wish to embed.| +
-|filter| A filter value.| +
-|string| A string value to be compared against the filter value.|+
 ===== Example ===== ===== Example =====
-**ConditionalEmbedEmbed a file if the current day is Monday or +Using [[engine:import:setvar2date|SetVar2Date]], embed a file if the current day is Monday or Tuesday. 
-Tuesday.** +<code> 
-|SetVar2Date(TODAY, "*", "%%A");| +SetVar2Date(TODAY, "*", "%%A"); 
-|ConditionalEmbed("montue_ttidef", "*(Monday<nowiki>|</nowiki>Tuesday)", $TODAY);|+ConditionalEmbed("montue_ttidef", "*(Monday|Tuesday)", $TODAY); 
 +===== See Also ===== 
 +[[engine:import|Import Engine Functions]] \\ 
 +[[cli:sync_fields|Sync Engine Fields]] \\ 
 {{tag> import_engine sync_engine}} {{tag> import_engine sync_engine}}
engine/import/conditionalembed.1582511692.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 (external edit)