TapeTrack Documentation

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Add a specific number of days, months, years to the Next Move Date if a field value matches a filter value.


This instruction is used by the TapeTrack Synchronization Engine.


AddMoveDateAdjustment(field, filter, years, months, days);

Variable Type Description Min Length Max Length Min Value Max Value
field String The field to compare against. 140
filter String A filter value to compare the field value against. 1256
years Integer The number of years to add to the Next Move Date. 110-214748364 2147483647
months Integer The number of months to add to the Next Move Date. 110-214748364 2147483647
days Integer The number of days to add to the Next Move Date.110-214748364 2147483647


Add 7 years to the Next Move Date if the Description contains YEARLY

# Extract the MOVEDATE from offset 4, length 10 of the report body.
Extract(MOVEDATE, 4, 10, 0);

# Set the MOVEDATE format.

# Extract the DESCRIPTION from offset 5, length 100 of the report body.
Extract(DESCRIPTION, 5, 100, 0);

# Adjust the extracted MOVEDATE by 7 years if the DESCRIPTION matches the pattern *YEARLY*.
AddMoveDateAdjustment(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*"; 7, 0, 0);

See Also

engine/sync/addmovedateadjustment.1583367334.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 (external edit)