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Set a Repository value based upon a range of Write Times.


This instruction is used by the TapeTrack Synchronization Engine.

Special Considerations

This instruction will not be invoked by the Synchronization Engine if a matching AddRepositoryOnMoveDate entry has been used to change the Repository


AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(field, filter, time, target, movedate);
string field;
string filter;
string time;
string target;
string movedate;

field A field for comparison.
filter A filter to compare against.
time Number of hours, days, months and years from the Write Date.
target The Target Repository.
movedate Number of hours, days, months and years from the Write Date to set the Move Date.


Set the Repository based upon time from Write Date.

# Extract the WRITEDATE from column 10, length 20.
Extract(WRITEDATE, 10, 20, 0);

#Set the WRITEDATE format.
SetWriteDateFormat("%%H:%%M:%%S %%d/%%m/%%Y");

# Extract the DESCRIPTION from column 11, length 100.
Extract(DESCRIPTION, 11, 100, 0);

# If the DESCRIPTION contains YEARLY and the WRITEDATE is within one day
# move the Volume to LIBR and give it a one day MOVEDATE.
AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*", "0:1", "LIBR", "0:1");

# If the DESCRIPTION contains YEARLY and the WRITEDATE is within one year
# move the Volume to OFFS and give it a one year MOVEDATE.
AddRepositoryOnWriteTime(DESCRIPTION, "*YEARLY*", "0:0:1", "OFFS", "0:1:1");

engine/sync/addrepositoryonwritetime.1539907804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 (external edit)