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Troubleshooter: Adding New User-ID

The purpose of this troubleshooter is to diagnose why new User-ID can not be added.

To diagnose why you cannot add new User-ID, select the error presented:

This User Has No Access

When assigning access rights to a User, they may be assigned individually, through Group access or a combination of both.

When presented with the error popup This User Has No Access, if you are applying access rights individually click Yes to return to the Access to assign rights.

If you are assigning access rights via the assigned Group only, click No to continue.

Access Validation

When presented with the error popup The access element has no access at all. Are you sure that you want to add an element with no access, click No and add appropriate User access rights (Read, Write, Alter and/or Catalog) to Customer-ID Access before clicking Add.

User Update Failed

User-ID Is Already Defined

User-ID Is Already Defined is presented when the User-ID you are attempting to create already exists in the TapeTrack database.

Any User-ID added must be unique, create unique user-ID or remove duplicate.

Unknown Group-ID

Unknown Group-ID is presented when the User-ID you are attempting to create has not yet been assigned to a Group.

Select group to assign user to from the drop-down list or add new group.

Illegal Key Value Was Specified

Illegal Key Value Was Specified is presented when the User-ID you are attempting to create is either blank or contains an illegal character, or starts with a space, period or dash.

Ensure User-ID follows correct user-ID protocol

Database Write Operation Failed

Duplicate email address already assigned to another User. As you can login to TapeTrack with either your User Name or email address (Windows AD login excluded) the email addresses must be unique to each User-ID.