TapeTrack Documentation

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User Groups

Groups are used to assign access privileges to a collection of users without the need to assign them to each user on an individual basis. This also makes it efficient to manage access changes to the entire group/s without the need to know what users belong to which group.

Adding and Managing a Group

If creating a new group from the Add a New User window skip to Edit New Group

On the Administration drop-down menu in TapeTrack TapeMaster select Group/User Administration.

Select the Groups tab and right-click in the main window and select Add Group.

Edit New Group


In the Identity tab enter a unique Group-ID (max 10 alphanumeric characters) and a group description.


Set positional role description required (optional) for hierarchy of users within the group. Roles rank from highest (0) to lowest (7)

Roles do not alter permissions of a User in the TapeMaster product, however, roles can be used in TapeTrack Lite to view Users and modify their information. Users of a lower Role-ID Number (0, 1 or 2) can view and modify Passwords for Users of a higher Role-ID Number using the User Management Task in TapeTrack Lite.


Assign group access by adding required ID/s or ID ranges Customer-ID field and changing to true the types of access needed.

  • Read allows any user assigned to the group to read information on the defined Customer-ID.
  • Write allows any user assigned to the group to write information on the defined Customer-ID.
  • Alter allows any user assigned to the group to add or delete information on the defined Customer-ID.

Click Add to assign the Customer-ID and access rights. The assigned ID and rights will now be displayed on the right window and predicted access shown below. You can add as many Customer-ID and access rights combinations as required by repeating the above process.

Customer Filter Examples
* All customers
US* All customers starting with US
US?? All four character customers starting with US
US01 Only US01


Set User-ID formats that any user assigned to this group must adhere to. If left as * any ID format will be accepted.

User-ID Filter Examples
* Any format
LB* User-ID's must start with LB
*LB User-ID's must end with LB
LB?????? User-ID's start with LB and be 8 characters long

Click OK to save new group.

master/create_group.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by