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Printing Barcodes

Printing Volume Barcodes

Volume barcodes can be printed from TapeTrack TapeMaster using the TapeTrack Barcode Printer.

Open the required media from the customer tree in TapeMaster.

Select the required volumes, right-click and select PrintLabels. This will open the TapeTrack Barcode Printer with the Volume-ID's pre-loaded.

In the left window of the Barcode Printer set you preferred specifications on barcode layout. If unsure of the layout or sizing of the barcodes, selecting FilePrint Preview will allow you to see the output before committing to printing. Once satisfied with the settings, barcodes can be printed by selecting FilePrint.

Printing Zone Barcodes

Zone barcodes can be printed from TapeTrack TapeMaster using the TapeTrack Barcode Printer.

Identify what zone ID barcodes required to print by right-clicking the repositories, in the respective customer media types, and selecting Properties and then the Zones tab.

In the lower window under the heading Zone is the zone ID number and zone description (in the format number:description). Record these details and close the window by the X at the top right or using the cancel button.

From the main menu, select AdministrationZone Administration.

From the displayed zones, select the required zones (range select Shift+Click, Control+Click).

Right click the highlighted zones and select PrintLabels to pass the barcodes through to the TapeTrack Barcode Printer.

In the left window of the Barcode Printer set you preferred specifications on barcode layout. If unsure of the layout or sizing of the barcodes, selecting FilePrint Preview will allow you to see the output before committing to printing. Once satisfied with the settings, barcodes can be printed by selecting FilePrint.

Printing Slot Barcodes

Currently there is no provision to print slot barcodes directly from TapeMaster. However, as slots are simply allocated a numerical sequence 000000, 000001, 000003 etc.

A text file with slot numbers (slot ID:Text) and text identifier (alphanumeric barcode representation) can be imported into the Barcode printer from the menu FileOpen.

To create large groups of slotID:description fields for importation it is recommended to use Excel auto fill feature.

checkpoint/print_barcodes.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by