TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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The toolbar provides access to:

  • Customer Filter: Filters which Customers are displayed in the Movement Tree.
  • Date Warning: Warning of volumes with a next move within the time frame selected (default: No Warning).
  • Hide No Moves: Movement Tree will only display Customers with Volumes in a move status.
  • Pick: Scan mode to distribute volumes to another repository.
    • Pick in volser order: Changes scan order of volumes from slot order to volser order.
    • Pick out of sequence: Allows volumes to be picked out of list sequence without causing errors to be displayed.
  • Query: Scan mode for receiving volumes from another repository.
  • Current Container: In Pick mode, displays current Container ID to which scanned volumes are assigned to.
checkpoint/toolbar.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/24 02:00 by scunliffe