TapeTrack Documentation

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NetWorker Sync Cookbook

NetWorker is a Dell EMC backup solution and is available for Linux, Windows, macOS, NetWare, OpenVMS and Unix.

The mminfo command

The mminfo command reports information about NetWorker media and save sets.

To get a report that is suitable for the TapeTrack Sync command, the following minimum arguments should be used:

mminfo -xc, -a -r "volume,barcode,family,type,location,pool" > report.csv

Example mminfo output



You will need to install the TapeTrack Sync software to complete these instructions.


It possible for NetWorker barcodes to be missing the LTO L-Suffix.

It is always recommended that where possible volumes be loaded into TapeTrack with their L-Suffix, and this suffix can be established by:

  1. The Media ID value if it includes the suffix.
  2. Adding an appropriate suffix to the Media ID based upon the value of the Media Type field.
  3. Adding an appropriate suffix based upon the range of the Media ID.
  4. Using TapeTrack's Constructive Barcode feature.


Synchronization with TapeTrack is performed by calling the TMSS10Sync command line program, along with:

  1. The CSV file produced by pre-processing the mminfo output.
  2. Command line arguments that instruct the program how to process volumes.
  3. A synchronization definition file that instructs the program how to interpret the mminfo output.

Example Command Line Arguments

TMSS10Sync -d NetWorker.ttidef -a -S user:-password@server < report.csv 


  • -d is the path to the Synchronization Definition File.
  • -a tells the program to add new tape volumes if they are encountered.
  • -S tells the program what server to connect to.
  • Inventory.csv is the mminfo output file.


default.ttidef file sample with code to:

  • Set CSV file delimiter (2)
  • Exclude any string that starts with barcode (5)
  • Set customer ID to US01 (8)
  • Set media ID to LTO (9)
  • Set default repository to LIBR (12)
  • extract volume ID from column 1, length 8 characters (15)
  • extract volume description from column 6, length 50 characters (18)
  • If description contains the string “Offsite” set repository to OFFS (21)

# Set CSV delimiter

# Skip any line that begins with barcode (header)
AddString(EXCLUSION, 0, "barcode*");

# Set customer ID and media ID to sync with
setLiteral(CUSTOMER, "US01");
setLiteral(MEDIA, "LTO");

# All volumes initially set to library
setLiteral(REPOSITORY, "LIBR");

# Extract Volume ID from column 1 (up to eight characters long)
Extract(VOLUME, 1, 8, 0);

# Extract volume Description from column 6 (up to fifty characters long)
Extract(DESCRIPTION, 6, 50, 0);

# Send any volume from the pool **offsite** to OFFS repository
AddTranslation2(REPOSITORY, DESCRIPTION, "Offsite*", "OFFS");

cookbook/networker.1537327512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 (external edit)