TapeTrack Documentation

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Add Target Repository based upon the value of the Next Move Date.


This instruction is used by the TapeTrack Synchronization Engine.

If a matching entry is found for AddRepositoryOnMoveDate the AddRepositoryOnWriteTime (if any) will not be checked.


AddRepositoryOnMoveDate(current_repository, range, target);

Variable Type Description Min Length Max Length
current_repository String Current Repository Filter.1256
range String Range of Move Dates.130
target String Target Repository value.14


Move Volumes to RACK if their Move Date is between today to 10 days from today.

AddRepositoryOnMoveDate("*", "*:*+10", "RACK");

See Also

engine/sync/addrepositoryonmovedate.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/22 02:40 by scunliffe