Table of Contents
VolumeAuto: Setting Move Dates
VolumeAuto uses Volume filters and date values from VolumeAuto.txt
that can be employed to override default return dates and descriptions for matched Volumes.
The VolumeAuto process can be useful for setting next move dates of selected Volumes where the retention dates don't follow a regular schedule that could be handled by Simple Management rules.
The VolumeAuto process also has the advantage of being able to automatically set next move dates using Lite as opposed to having Simple Management rules that require access to TapeMaster.
can be found in the Lite install directory, default location C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Lite\VolumeAuto.txt.
File Format
The file VolumeAuto.txt is in a comma delimitered CSV Format using the format volume_filter,date,new_description.
The file contains the following fields:
- Volume Filter in Customer.Media.Volume Format
- Move Date in the following formats:
- *+n (where * is today, and n is an Integer days offset
- Y+n (where Y is the first day of the next year, and n is an Integer years offset)
- y+n (where y is the last day of the next year, and n is an Integer years offset)
- M+n (where M is the first day of the next month, and n is an Integer months offset)
- m+n (where m is the last day of the next month, and n is an Integer months offset)
- Description
Setting Move Dates
Open VolumeAuto.txt in a text editor such as Notepad.
At the bottom of the file, under the comment lines (#) and insert the required filters and move dates in the format volume_filter,date,new_description.
Set the volume filter using string pattern matching to include the required Volumes
Set the next move date using the relevant date format.
Add new description. If no description is added to the filter (ie volume_filter,date) the move date will still be added but description will be left as the current value.
When using the Send function in Lite, Volumes will be compared to the filters contained in the VolumeAuto file.
- If a matching filter is found the date will be evaluated.
- if the date value is in the past the search will continue.
- If the date value is in the future, the move date will be overridden with the date value.
- If no matching filter is found the default move date will be applied to the Volume.
All Volumes from:
- Customer: ACME
- Media type: LTO
- Move date: Today + 10 days
- New Description: Test Description
ACME.LTO.*,*+10,Test Description
All Volumes from:
- Customer: all
- Media type: LTO
- Move date: First of next year, + 7 years
- New Description: Test Description
*.LTO.*,Y+7,Test Description
All Volumes from:
- Customer: ACME
- Media type: LTO
- Move date: First of December 2010
- New Description: Test Description
ACME.LTO.*,2010-12-01,Test Description
Volume 100122L6:
- Customer: ACME
- Media type: LTO
- Move date: Listed set of dates
- New Description: Test Description
ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-01-04,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-01-11,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-01-18,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-01-25,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-02-01,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-02-08,Test Description ACME.LTO.100122L6,2019-02-15,Test Description