Table of Contents
Automate Volume Movement Based On Container Movement
Volumes can be removed from the assigned container automatically when the container move is confirmed into a selected repository. This function can be useful in situations where returning volumes assigned to a container are always removed and placed in a library or racking, saving an operator from having to complete this procedure manually.
This function is set at a repository level and thus can be limited to movements to only one repository, or as many as required.
Business ACME writes data to tape, packs the volumes into a barcoded container, seals it, and sends it to an offsite vault. The vault confirms arrival of the container and places it, still sealed, into their storage rack.
When the container is recalled the vault ships it back to ACME. On delivery the container is opened and the volumes are placed back in racking for scratch volumes to be re-used. The container, empty, is then placed back in storage until required again.
In this example the volumes being written to live in the Library (LIBR) repository, vaulting is the Offsite (OFFS) repository and the scratch volumes are stored in the Scratch (SCRA) repository. Volume rotation is from LIBR → OFFS → SCRA → LIBR
We set any container in a move status to OFFS to move any volumes contained within it and as the vault does not open the containers we also set OFFS to confirm any volumes when it is itself confirmed.
We set any container in a move status to SCRA repository to move any volumes contained within it and to automatically remove those volumes from the container on confirmation of delivery. The volumes are scanned in to the scratch racking individually, so are not automatically confirmed as they were at the vault.