TapeTrack Documentation

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Lite Configuration File

To modify Lite, open TMSSLite.cfg in a plain text editor such as Notepad.

TMSSLite.cfg can be found in the TapeTrack/Lite install directory (default C:\Program Files\TapeTrack\TapeTrack Lite).

The config file has comments throughout the code to either disable the execution of unused code blocks or add explanation to the available functions.

Block quotes look like /* */, anything between these characters are treated as comments and not code.

Anything after the characters // are treated as comments and not code for that line.

Remove Slot Level Display

Locate the section variables

Remove comment tags /* & */ from above and below variables.

Change the line of code

and save file.

Make sure that you have sufficient rights to save file to directory and to save as TMSS10Lite.cfg and not as a text file or other file extension.
If when opening TapeTrack Lite you receive an error - Failed to read configuration file (TMSSLite.cfg): Line( ) - Syntax error check the configuration file that you have used plain ASCII quotes (“ ”) and not rich text quotes (“ ”) and that the replaced text is correct.
technote/config_file_lite.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 22:07 by