TapeTrack Documentation

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List Storage History Reports

Command Line Storage History Reports

TMSS10ListStorageHistory produces lists the storage history movements of Volumes for each Repository within a set date range.

Statistics included in the report include each Repository's:


Command Line Input - Text File

TMSS10ListStorageHistory -S user:-password@server -R *:* > report.txt

Text File Output

            System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Repository Usage Report
      Report Notes: Customer(Los Angeles Data Center) Media(LTO Cartridge) Repository(Library)
      Report Width: 148 bytes

Date                      Low   High   Average   Movement From  Movement To     Total   Low (M)  High (M) AVG (M)
------------------------- ----- ----- --------- --------------- --------------- ------- ------- -------- --------
Monday, November 20, 2017   295   295    295.00 Offsite Vault   Library              17   0.08     0.10     0.08
                                                Library         Offsite Vault        19   1.27     1.28     1.27
------------------------- ----- ----- --------- --------------- --------------- ------- ------- -------- --------
            System: TapeTrack
Report Description: Repository Usage Report
      Report Notes: Customer(Los Angeles Data Center) Media(LTO Cartridge) Repository(Offsite Vault)
      Report Width: 148 bytes
Date                      Low   High   Average   Movement From  Movement To      Total   Low (M)  High (M) AVG (M)
------------------------- ----- ----- --------- --------------- ---------------- ------- ------- -------- --------
Monday, November 20, 2017    30    30     30.00 Offsite Vault   Library               17    0.08     0.10     0.08
                                                Library         Offsite Vault         19    1.27     1.28     1.27
------------------------- ----- ----- --------- --------------- ---------------- ------- ------- -------- --------
technote/report/liststoragehistory.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/22 03:13 by scunliffe