TapeTrack Documentation

Because there is more to tape management than you ever realized

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PDF Report Options

Report Title Bar Color

The variable TMSSPDFCOLOR sets the report header to a custom color, determined by RGB Hexvalues (do not include the #).


Red FF0000

Green 00FF00

Blue 0000FF

Report Title Heading

The variable TMSS10REPORTITLE sets the report header title to a custom value.

Default heading varies according to what report you execute. As an example TMSS10Inventory has a default heading of Inventory and a report-ID of 100.

Setting TMSS10REPORTITLE100 to Customer 0001

Setting TMSS10REPORTITLE100 to Customer 0001 Full Inventory

Company logo can be added to reports using TMSSPDFLOGOPATH.

GazillaByte Logo, dimensions , format JPEG.

Report Format

PDF reports can be created in either portrait or landscape format using TMSSPDFORIENTATION. Using landscape allows the inclusion of extra columns without crowding the output.



technote/reports_pdf.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/05 00:37 by scunliffe